Joshua went on his first plane ride on Friday. Mommy and Joshua flew to Dallas, TX for cousins Hannah and Ben's First Communion and for cousin Colin's wedding to Taylor. We met Grandma, Grandpa and Aunts Celeste and Elaine out there. One thing we learned about Dallas/ Ft Worth is that the traffic is awful all the time. Grandpa was a real trooper being our chauffeur the whole time as it stressed me out just riding in the van! On Friday we went to the historic Fort Worth Stockyards where Joshua got to sit on a longhorn and watch a "stampede." (Several show longhorns are marched down the street by cowboys in full gear.) Joshua much preferred the longhorns in their pen where he called them cows and "moo-ed" at them. Hannah and Ben looked very nice and grown up at their First Communion. We were so proud of them! The wedding was held outdoors and it too was beautiful (welcome to the family, Taylor). On one last sight seeing trip we went to Dealey Field to see where JFK was assassinated. I took Joshua's picture on the grassy knoll. There was an interesting museum which told a lot of the events on Nov 22nd and presented a good deal of evidence and while they ultimately conclude there was a lone gunman, call me a conspiracy theorist - but I still think there had to have been at least two.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Two First Communions and a Wedding
Thursday, April 22, 2010
An Update on Joshua
Joshua likes to fake sneeze. "Ah-ah-ah-CHOO!" One of the things we do is sneeze his clothes on and off. It makes a simple task fun. Mommy and Daddy get into it and sometimes sneeze our shoes/ clothes off too. Ha! Enjoy the pictures. They were taken at the Strawberry Festival in Loxley.
Monday, April 19, 2010
A-Day Game 2010
We took Joshua to Tuscaloosa for his first game at Bryant Denny Stadium. It was Crimson vs. White (the annual spring scrimmage better known as the A-Day game) and he had a great time. We stayed for the first half of the game and then left to explore the campus. Joshua enjoyed playing with Daddy outside the stadium almost as much as he enjoyed hugging the trees on the quad - seriously, we don't know what was up with that! The weather was perfect and we picked our location in the stadium such that we were in the shade by the time the game began. We got to stay with the Smith family and visit more with Alice. Unfortunately Titus got sick at the game which cut short our trip for the Smiths', but luckily Titus bounced back and wasn't sick for long. Audrey and Wade truly are seasoned parents who took it all in stride and loaded the family up to leave the game as quickly as they did to arrive. We still had a great time and appreciated your hospitality. Roll Tide!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Matt, Joshua, and I are happy to announce that Baby Chatham is a boy! We are all excited and Joshua just won't stop rubbing it in that his prediction was correct. ;) Who knew a 20month old was so smart? Actually at first the ultrasound tech thought it was a girl just long enough for me to say "I knew it was a girl. Joshua kept saying it was a brother, but I knew better..." Then she was like "Wait, I may have called it too soon." Eventually we saw the evidence we have a proud baby boy! Then Matt told me I was officially outnumbered. Apparently it was nap time during the ultrasound because the baby kept yawning and had an arm across his face obscuring most of the shots. Still we got a glimpse of our handsome little man. Afterwords we picked up Joshua and had a celebratory dinner at McGuire's where Joshua ate so much his belly button was flat! Boys are such sweet blessings. We can't wait to meet our little guy. Even Joshua is looking forward to meeting him - sortof.
The day before, Joshua was pointing at objects and naming them so I took the opportunity to point at my belly and say "baby." Joshua looked at me funny, then leaned over, knocked three times on my belly and said "hello?" He quickly lost interest when there was no answer, but this mommy still thought it was awfully sweet!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Easter 2010
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Ours started in Pensacola where Grandma and Grandpa came for s visit. Unfortunately Joshua was puny on Friday, but Grandma and Grandpa still enjoyed taking care of him. Then on Saturday we drove up to Birmingham to spend Easter with Daddy's family. Joshua started his morning hunting for eggs at Grandaddy's house. Then we went to church with the whole family at Dana's church. Joshua spent most of the service hanging out with Grandottie and Jerry Pop. Afterwards we had an Easter lunch and birthday party for Eli (Happy 8th Bday!) and Uncle Jason (we won't talk about how old you are). Eggs were hunted, games were played, presents were opened, an no naps were taken. I'm not sure how Joshua held out, but he was asleep before we left Dana's neighborhood on our way back to Pensacola.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Welcome Smith Family
Over the weekend, Audrey and Wade came for a visit with son Titus, and newest addition, Alice. Alice was a perfect baby who was so happy and quiet. Joshua and Titus got along great. It was so cool to see them interacting and playing. It makes me wish we lived closer because these boys look like good friends. We got to enjoy a little time at the beach on Sunday before they left. I was going to take the boys for a walk on the pier until I noticed (for the first time) that piers don't have side rails. And since I didn't want to find out if they are good swimmers, we avoided it all together. Audrey earned Experienced Mommy bonus points for not freaking out when all the kiddies had their picture made together on the bench. Thanks for the visit and we'll come see you soon.
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