Almost a Smile |
October is really flying by. Through the beauty of technology, most of my updating about life with my boys is done through facebook (plus I just got a smartphone - Yea!), but I still like to keep up the blog as a single location for pictures and stories. Here are some bits of news about life in the Chatham house.
Noah has not been a good sleeper lately and it is wearing his mommy out! However on Oct. 11th, he gave me his first real smile and it made my whole day - though he did make me work for it. He continues to coo and soothe himself which is amazing. I think he'll be my chatty boy. In other news, the win streak is over as Bama fell to South Carolina. I liked to say that my boys had never lost a regular season game but that is no longer true. Perhaps we'll get to start another winning streak.

Joshua is turning into my little helper - this can be both good and bad. It's good when I'm nursing Noah and drop the burp cloth on the floor and can ask Joshua to hand it to me. It's bad when he comes out of the bedroom saying "Noah's cold" because it means he put a blanket on Noah's head in the cradle. He has the best intentions, just not the knowledge to make the right decisions. I found out that PBS really has some great TV shows for children. One of Joshua's favorites is called Super Why and encourages reading and spelling. He knows all the characters and sings the alphabet with them. Of course I have to be sure the TV is off before 11:30am or I'll be roped into watching Barney - which is an educational show, but it also is incredibly annoying. I should note that J doesn't watch TV all day, but it provides a nice diversion while mommy takes a shower or updates the blog. It's funny how your perspective can change. Before Noah was born, Matt and I rarely let J watch TV because we would read or build blocks instead, but now with 2 there are times I can't adequately entertain both and really need a break so a little TV can't be too bad.
I like Mommy's shoes! |
Also noteworthy is that I was able to wear my pre-baby jeans for the first time last week. Yea! It made me feel great considering it took me a lot longer to wear them with Joshua. I think keeping up with two boys, especially one being a toddler makes all the difference in the world. We are hitting the road next week. Our first stop is to Tuscaloosa to visit with the Smiths. Matt and Wade are going to the Homecoming game while Audrey and I watch the kids. Then we are headed to Bham and Huntsville to visit with family while Matt helps his dad build his house. It should be a great trip visiting friends and family and I know I'll have tons of pictures to post.
One last funny story from earlier this week:
Tuesday morning I got up early to go to my Bible study. On the way there I realized I left my phone at home, then I arrived a little late, then saw that Joshua was not wearing shoes, then signed him in using my maiden name (yes, it's been 6 years), and then at lunch I left the table to refill my drink at the machine right by our table. In the two seconds it took me to turn my back, Joshua decided to take off his shirt because "It too hot!" *sigh* It
is pretty funny though!