I recently had a geek-out moment with Joshua. Normally on our drive home he likes to point out the places we are passing, i.e. our Church, Dr. Hensley's office, the gas station, the water tower, etc. Anyway on this particular afternoon, J - having named everything else - said "what's that?" and I showed him transmission towers and power poles. Then he asked "Mommy, what is power?" I got all excited and explained as simply as I could saving the "good stuff" for the follow-up question I hope to one day hear - "How do you make power/ electricity?"

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit toward the end of March. It was great to see them and Joshua was excited. He actually kept saying "Grandma Grandpa are coming? I so excited!" Our camera is getting cleaned so unfortunately I didn't get any pics, but maybe next time. Noah was just barely ooching when they were in town and he continues to get stronger. Also his top right tooth came through this morning. Goodbye gummy grin! (I still can't believe he's such an early teether like his brother!)
Another activity Joshua enjoys in the car is practicing both his dinosaur roar and his ogre (Shrek) roar. I specify the difference because when the roaring gets old it goes something like this:
Me: No more roaring right now.
J: But I’m a dinosaur.
Me: No more dinosaur roars.
J: okay. ROAR!
Me: What did I just say?
J: Mommy I a ogre now.
Me: No more dinosaur or ogre roars.
J: okay.