I'm 3 years old! |
My baby boy is 3! Although as Joshua would remind me, "Mommy, I not a baby, I a big boy." He usually follows this statement by flexing his muscles which is made more humorous by the fact that you can count all his ribs! We decided to take Joshua out for his birthday dinner yesterday since we had church plans tonight. We asked Joshua what he wanted for his birthday. His response "Steak and donuts!" These are two of his favorite things so first we took him to McGuire's where he nearly ate his weight in steak and bread. Noah did pretty good eating some of the senate bean soup and mashed potatoes. Afterwards we took him to Krispie Kreme so he could watch them make doughnuts and then take home a dozen. All in all it was a great evening!

Today he had a class party with the 3 year olds, the class he has been visiting and will formally join soon. I brought cupcakes and watched all his friends enjoy their cupcakes. Joshua is not really a fan of cake or icing so he mostly watched everyone else eat theirs after they sang to him. He would put the tiniest amount of icing on his finger tip and act like he was going to lick it. In reality he was wiping it on his upper lip which gave him a Hitler stash, not exactly a look we encourage. It's most important that he had fun.
So here are a few fun stories about Joshua and his likes and dislikes:
** Joshua really likes listening to Bruno Mars'
Lazy Song. The song is rather slow paced where a line is sung and then the singer whistles. Joshua likes to use the whistling time to recap what was just said. It goes something like this:
Today I don't feel like doing anything...
Joshua: He not doing anything!
I'm just gonna lie in my bed...
Joshua: He gonna lie in bed!
Don't feel like pickin' up the phone so leave a message at the tone 'cause today I don't feel like doing anything, nothin' at all.
Joshua: He not doing anything. Nuffin at all!
Shhh! Sleeping brothers. |
** Joshua likes to talk about taking a rocket to the moon.
** He likes to say he's a super hero. He really likes to be Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Spiderman, and Superman. Both when he's playful and when he's mad at you he's been known to fling spidey webs or shoot Buzz Lightyear lasers at you.
** His favorite tv shows are Super Why and Dinosaur Train (He's also a fan of Big Bang Theory and it's theme song)
** His favorite movies are Toy Story, Shrek, and anything Veggie Tales, especially
Bad Apple and
Josh and the Great Wall. And he insists on holding the case when watching a movie so that when he movie is over he can remove it from the DVD player and put it up.
Joshua watching Cars |
**His favorite foods are steak, crab claws, Krispie Kreme donuts, grape tomatoes, broccoli, and any fruit. I'm particularly amused that he doesn't like loaf bread. When he does eat it, he'll eat the crust and hand you back the middle. We like to laugh and say when he's in school he'll be somebody's favorite lunch buddy! His favorite drink is cranberry juice.
** He enjoys being a backseat driver and telling me where to turn. Of course he has no idea where we live but he's sure he knows how to get there.
** Joshua constantly amazes his mommy and daddy with all he learns. He can spell his name, count over 30, sing countless songs, count to 10 in Spanish, say the days of the week and most colors in Spanish. He loves having us read him a book and then he "reads" it back to us. Also he's a whiz at puzzles.
** Joshua blesses the food before meals saying "God is Great. God is good. Let us thank him for our food. By his hands, all are fed, thank you God for our daily bread. AMEN!" All we have to do to remind him is tell him to make his prayer hands.
** Joshua is very good natured. And I'm not just saying that because I love him - he really behaves well, follows directions, and is pleasent to be around. He's very gentle with his brother. He loves giving hugs and kisses and saying "I yove you!" to everyone. He's my little snuggle bunny who still sleeps in his mommy and daddy's bed - but we're going to start working on that. We love our little button boy so much and look forward to watching and hearing about all his adventures as he grows. Happy Birthday Big Boy!
Noah looks a little unsure while Joshua roars like a lion, or was it an ogre? |