Why play with the toys when you can empty the toy box and play in it? |
Pensacola Beach 2011 |
Joshua and Noah are growing up so fast. Here's a little bit about what they are up to. Noah is talking more now. For a long time the only word he said with regularity was "diaper" although you could occasionally coach out a "mama" and sometimes "dada." One of his favorite words to say these days is "Uh-oh!" He loves to drop things then say it, or say "uh-oh" and then drop something. He's a cutie pie! He also really likes waving and saying "bye-bye" though it sounds more like "ba-ba." He waves by extending his arm and twisting his wrist. Noah loves to eat! You can ask him "Are you hungry?" And he gets the biggest smile on his face and giggles. I swear he eats more than his brother, though he's a slim guy. He loves to dance. His teacher said all he has to do is hear some music - even if it's coming from another classroom - and he starts dancing. He is still the best child at going to sleep. We simply carry him to his room, say "Time to go night-night" and he leans out of our arms to get inside his crib. He immediately puts his head down, his booty in the air, and crosses his feet and he is out. No negotiating, crying, or extra snuggles. It's impressive - though sometimes mommy and daddy wish he would want the extra snuggles.

Joshua has so much personality. He's very imaginative and talkative. He spends a lot of time in the car talking. One of his favorite topics is super heroes. He loves talking about super heroes and what their super powers are and which one he is that day. He also has several costumes which he likes to dress up in. He even knows how to strike a super hero pose with his hands on his hips. My favorite is when he says "I am Batman!" His other favorite topics to talk about is the moon/space, the scary tree (Grandma and Grandpa used to have a "scary tree" with a face at their house, though they have made it a friendly tree by getting rid of the face), and Cubbies (his class in AWANAS). Joshua loves going to Cubbies on Wed nights. He's really good at memorizing his Bible verses and talking about how "God loves us." Of course sometimes his theology is a bit off. Recently in the car he told me "God loves us. He made mommy, and Joshua, and Noah, and the sun and the water, but not the stars." "Why not?" "Oh the stars? They've been bad." Joshua is very good in school and almost always comes home with a green light. He likes to report on who got a yellow light and if anyone got the dreaded red light. One of Joshua's favorite stores to go to is Sam's Club - which he calls "the diamond store" because of their logo. I have to admit it does sound more exciting when he says we shop at the "diamond store."

Last story: Matt made an unexpected purchase at the grocery store recently. Apparently Joshua got ahold of an apple and took a bite out of it. Matt took it away from him and explained we have to pay for it and then when Matt turned his back it happened again. I guess that's what you get with a free range child (he prefers to walk instead of ride "like a baby"). I'll try to look for the silver lining and be glad he went for something healthy.
One more note: We took the boys to beach to take more pictures for our Christmas card. I think we have some winners between the two shoots. Enjoy!