Joshua is 1 month old! I can hardly believe it. He is a healthy baby and growing strong. Here are some of the observations I've made watching Joshua over the last month. While he sleeps alot he also spends a fair amount of time alert, both day and night. He has long lashes and beautiful eyes. It's still too soon to tell if they'll be blue or brown. He likes to look around with this thoughtful expression like he's trying to figure something out. He also has something Matt and I refer to as "old man eyebrows." They are really long, light brown hairs that grow straight out. He has a cute nose with little white speckles on the tip. I'm not sure what it is but was told they would fade over time. He has his mommy's small ears and his daddy's mouth. He has lots of brown hair on his head like his daddy which is soft. His skin is also soft with no moles or freckles, though he does have a "stork bite" on the back of his neck which the pediatrician pointed out to Matt and me. Joshua has so much hair we never saw it.

Joshua gets really toasty when he sleeps - to the point that his head is sweaty and the back of his onesie is damp. This is a trait he got from his mommy who as Matt describes it is "exothermic" when I sleep. *side note - I don't actually sweat when I sleep, I'm just warm to the touch* He loves to be swaddled. Most of the time, if he is fussy, all we have to do is wrap Joshua up and he's content. Joshua has a healthy appetite and likes to eat every 3 hours. He is so enthusiastic about it he's actually sucked some of the skin off his lips. He doesn't cry very often, but when he does he is super loud! He has a favorite pacifier, which is a soothie. He spits all others out pretty quickly. He has a particular expression he makes when he's about to get fussy when his brow furrows that looks just like his mommy when she's concentrating. He has surprisingly loud/volatile gas for someone so little. Also we've caught glimpses of his smile, which would melt your heart and we're looking forward to when he starts smiling at us and not gas.
Okay I have gushed enough over my beautiful boy. Hope you enjoy the pictures I have included in this post.
Matt, quit blaming the baby for the loud/volatile gas and go back to blaming the dogs.
Seriously, dude, uncool.
Beautiful! Look how he's filling out! Grandottie is just aching to hold him again. He probably doesn't even remember me - SAD! Funny about the old man eyebrows. Matt's hospital picture seriously looks like an old man. Love y'all.
Grandma and Grandpa are happy as larks!! Grandma enjoyed spending his second and third week w/ him because Emmie was post-op. I must say, she was much stronger than I'd have been!
Lately, we've been blessed w/ visits from Mom and Joshua at the beach house. He's such a good baby. Sure, he still wants to eat during the night when the exhausted parents wish they could all get some continuous sleep, but he's a growing boy. He's thriving on Mommy's breast milk alone!! Soon, she'll feel like a lactation machine; I did!! Grandottie and Aunt Dana fed their babies, too, so Emmie has lots of support. Plus, Daddy's on board, as well. Doesn't Joshua look happily fed and well loved!! We surely are fortunate to have him w/ us on vacation, especially in light of Cat. 3-4 Ike keeping us out of the gigantic waves!! Now, we don't have a desire to leave the house, as he's far too little to go to the beach. Love, Grandma =)
He is so precious!! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to meet my little one. I hope you are enjoying your time off. Talk to you later! -Yvonne
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