Here is what is new with Joshua: Joshua is smiling more and making more noises. He also likes to hold his right ear with his right hand when nursing. He traveled well in the car to and from Birmingham. He'd fall asleep after 20 minutes in the car and I had to wake him up after 3 hours driving because Mommy needed a stop. He's getting good at holding his head up. He flails his arms more and smacks himself in the face, but it never seems to bother him. He also kicks his legs like crazy to get stronger everyday.
Joshua went for his 2 month checkup Tuesday. Mommy and Daddy were sad because Joshua had to get 5 shots and an oral vaccine, but a few shots is better than the disease. The nurse was fast and he did really well. He smiled at the doctor and showed off his ability to hold up his head. It was funny because the doctor said Joshua would get more vocal over the next couple months and right when he said that, Joshua gave him a loud "ooohhr." He weighed 11lbs 14oz and was 24in long. That's quite a bit of growing over the last 2 months.
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