It has been a very big week. Joshua started day care and Mommy went back to work. It was scary and there were tears -- of course I'm talking about Mommy, not Joshua. Matt and I really like the day care. We were on a waiting list for a long time so it's good that his spot opened up just in time. Counting Joshua, there are 6 infants in the class with our baby boy being the youngest. We found out some good news. I knew there was another Joshua in the class and when I paid his tuition, I saw "Joshua Cheatum" on the sign in roster and asked if the other Joshua in the class had a last name of Cheatum. The person said yes, I guess not realizing who I was. Anyway I freaked out that there was a Cheatum and a Chatham in the room because I didn't want them to confuse bottles, diapers, etc. until I found out it was actually a really bad misspelling of our name. Lastly work is keeping me really busy so I don't have time to dwell on not being with Joshua and that makes my day fly by. Also the daycare is so close to work that I can go feed him at lunch everyday. It's the best part of my day!
Joshua is getting much better at sleeping through the night. I can thank this in part due to him discovering his hands and right thumb. I finally got a picture of him sucking on his thumb which I have attached for your enjoyment. Something else Joshua is working on is trying out new sounds. Sometimes out of the blue he'll chuckle loudly at nothing and then he's back to being quiet. It's cute and hilarious!
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