Well it had to happen sometime... Joshua had his first illness. Matt stayed home with him Wednesday because when Joshua and I got to the daycare, he picked his tired head up and threw up all over my shoulder. But that day he seemed fine other than being clingy and not feeling good. Then Thursday morning as I was buckling Joshua into his carseat, he threw up a little. Well Matt and I cleaned him up and the carseat and were trying to decide if he really threw up or got choked on a cough and spit up as there was not much to it. While debating this he projectile vomited on himself, his mommy, and his parents bed. That cleared up any questions we had. I took him to the pediatrician later that day for a nasty cough, a runny nose, a low fever, the throw up, and the fact that he was puny overall. It turns out he has an ear infection. *side note: Our little man is an ear wax producing machine. I was shocked at how much was removed from both sides at the dr's office.* Anyway, we got him some medicine and he seems to be doing much better.
Of course after that his mommy and daddy picked up a nasty 24 hour bug which made Friday and most of Saturday pretty miserable.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Nice Smile
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My Valentine
On Thursday Joshua went for his 6 month well-baby appointment. Here are his stats: Weight 16lbs 4 oz, Length 27 3/4" And his head circumference was "perfect." It always cracks me up when I go to these visits because they tell me percentile wise his stats. They are Weight 25%, Length 75%, and his head is... perfect. I've learned this is code for big as I've typed in his circumference at Babycenter.com, but Joshua comes by it honest as his mommy and daddy have big heads. Anyway he had one oral vaccine and 3 shots. He did so good. He was serious for the first, his face turned red for the second, and he wailed for the third. But I immediately picked him up and he stopped crying. He even smiled and flirted with the nurse. Joshua has such a sweet disposition!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
6 months old
He recently fed Joshua sweet peas. I could tell he liked them more than carrots. There was less of a mess and no funny faces as he ate. Joshua has his 6 month appointment on Thursday so I should have an update with his stats then.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Date Night
Matt and I went out for the first time without the baby Friday night. While everything did not go as planned, we still had a great time. Here's how it went down: Some friends had invited us to go to their church for an early Valentine's Day dinner and entertainment. We needed to be in Pensacola at 6pm. Well first I was a little late leaving work. Then I had to go home and feed the baby and get dressed. Matt dressed Joshua and packed his diaper bag. Then we were about to walk out the door and Joshua pooped out the back of his diaper which required not only a new diaper, but a change of clothes as well. Needless to say it was 6pm by the time we were in the car driving to the Stanton's who were going to keep Joshua. We wouldn't be able to meet up with our friends until around 7pm so we called and had to cancel. So we were faced with the predicament that we were all dressed, had babysitters lined up, and no plans so should we go out anyway or go home? We decided to go out anyway and went to one of our favorite restaurants that we hadn't been to since before Joshua was born. While we did talk about Joshua, we didn't obsess over him and miss him too much. Our Joshua was a perfect little boy for our friends. A good time was had by all!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Mmmmm Carrots!
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