My baby boy is 6 months old! I can't believe it. Here's the biggest news.... Joshua's getting his first tooth! It's a lower left front tooth. We can't see it, but we can feel an edge when we touch his gum line. Matt and I are so excited! Our little man is growing up.

He is such a happy little boy. He smiles and flirts with everyone. He loves to play with his toys. At home he has a Mortimer the Moose that has chewable antlers, a squeaky middle, rings for a tail, and crinkly feet. He also plays with an Alphabet spinner and bumble ball. In the car he has a set of colorful keys attached to links which he loves to chew and shake. Also in the car is another favorite toy, Stretch the Giraffe. The giraffe is colorful and has crinkly feet and chewable rings around his neck. Of course better than the toys is the children's cd he listens to, especially song 12 "My Baby Bunting." It's still a magical song that calms him down and turns him into a quiet baby.

Of course lately I would not use "quiet baby" to describe Joshua. He has recently started talking alot. He babbles, squeals, laughs, oohs, and ahhs. He also just learned how to click his tongue today. He'll get real serious and focused, look you in the eye and click his tongue. It's so cute! Then I'll click back and him and he clicks back and me and so on. He also has improved his rolling over skills though he's still a tummy to back baby. He won't quite flip back to tummy.
He recently fed Joshua sweet peas. I could tell he liked them more than carrots. There was less of a mess and no funny faces as he ate. Joshua has his 6 month appointment on Thursday so I should have an update with his stats then.
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