1. Joshua has started crawling (okay, you know this if you've read the previous paragraph). He has a very serious face and sometimes, despite his best efforts, he ends up moving backwards.
2. Joshua enjoys shaking his head left and right, especially when he's on his back. He laughs and laughs that the world looks so funny when shaken.
3. He has become increasingly twisty when I am trying to change him. Especially if I'm in the car and changing him in my lap.
4. Joshua is such a happy little boy! Grins so big he loses paci (a soothie is still his favorite. He rejects most others). His laugh is so sweet and genuine. When he laughs, which is often, it just lights up a room.
6. He still does not enjoy time on his tummy, even in his sleep. Earlier this week, Joshua awoke about 2AM in a full out scream. I went in to check on him and he must have fallen onto his tummy (he is a side sleeper) and then pushed up onto all fours and became stuck. I picked him up, put his paci in his mouth and laid him back down on his side and he was out, instantly. I then told Daddy, he needed to lower the crib from bassinet level, which he did the next night.
8. Joshua is proficient at trading his paci as well as toys from hand to hand. He has also recently started clapping. This is a very entertaining trick for him. He has also become better at finding his paci and putting it back in his mouth while asleep in his crib. This is an especially haandy trick that Mommy and Daddy are excited about!
And of course Joshua loves his mommy and daddy. when no one else can make him happy, mommy and daddy are there to soothe him, make him laugh, hug him, and love him. You are our sweet button boy and we love you so!
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