Friday, July 10, 2009

11 months old!

Joshua is 11 months old today. I can't believe he'll be 1 next month. That means we'll start counting is years! He is a perfect little boy and Mommy and Daddy love him so much. At daycare they told me that they love to hear him laugh because it's a full belly laugh and makes everyone else in the room happy. Here is a list of what my little button has been up to lately.

1. Joshua still loves cheesy poofs and may turn into one at the rate he's eating them
2. Joshua is standing up well
3. Joshua is sooo close to walking. He'll boldly take a step and fall down, but he's working on it.
4. Joshua says mama, dada, and uh-oh! He actually uses uh-oh appropriately which is too cute!
5. Joshua has figured out how to make his toys play music, specifically he's mastered his star stacker which has a button to play music and a button to stop. If Joshua turns the music on and then Mommy turns it off, he scoots right back to his toy and turns it on.
6. Joshua has started using a sippy cup - sortof. He holds it correctly but just pretends to drink.
7. Joshua is much more interactive with the dogs. He loves crawling to them and petting and poking them. They love hovering under his high chair while he eats.

8. Joshua is much more vocal. He clicks his tongue, squeals, and babbles in his own language. He also mimics well.
9. Joshua shakes his head back and forth when he's eating. Most of the time he means "No, I don't want anymore." but sometimes I think it means "The world looks cool when I shake my head!"

10. Joshua still enjoys playing "bump the noggin" especially with his Daddy.
11. Joshua has played in the pool and enjoyed it.

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