Joshua's personality continues to shine through. He is such a sweet, lovable boy. He especially loves playtime. Lately you can tell him "Joshua, bring me that ball... book... bucket..." and he knows what to bring. Without prompting, he'll often come up to me with a book in hand and signal he wants to be held so we can read the book. By looking at them, you can tell he's pretty rough with his books, but we're just pleased he enjoys storytime. Some nights, that's the only time he's not on the go! Another new trick of his is you can say "Joshua, give me some kisses." and he'll lean in with a slobbery mouth for a kiss. It is so cute! Also he has a toy TV remote which apparently doubles as a phone as Joshua likes to hold it up to his ear and listen/talk and then hand it to mommy and daddy for us to talk. In general, he isn't just chatty, he's loud and chatty these days. It's hard for Matt and I to carry on a conversation or watch some TV with all the talking going on. Our button is the best source of entertainment these days.

Let explain what's going on in this capture. As I was getting ready for bed, I had Joshua corralled in the bathroom. He picked up his blue bath towel and proceeded to walk back and forth carrying it like Linus from Snoopy. Needless to say I had the Snoopy theme in my head all night!
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