We had a great Thanksgiving this year full of family, food, and football. We enjoyed seeing everyone, though our little Joshua was a sicky. We had Thanksgiving lunch at Grandma Goforth's with all of Mommy's extended family and dinner at Dana's with all Daddy's extended family. Then we had an Iron Bowl party at Dana's on Friday and a family dinner at Aunts Celeste and Elaine's house on Saturday. In between be went to Huntsville to visit with Grandottie and Jerry Pop. All the while Joshua wasn't feeling well. By midnight on Thanksgiving Joshua was screaming and miserable. On Friday we took him to a clinic and he had ear infections in both ears and pink eye in both eyes. We were there about 2 1/2 hours and missed most of the first half of the Iron Bowl which turned out to be a good thing. Joshua slept for most of the game except for the last minute and a half. What an exciting finish - Roll Tide!
**Check back later for a slide show of our Thanksgiving trip. **
Grandpa and Grandma Goforth had a wonderful time on Emily's birthday and Thanksgiving. We always enjoy having all the family together. We sure were sad that Joshua got so sick over Thankgiving. He was a good trouper around us, but I understand that he was not a happy camper at night when most would be sleeping. We sure love the Chathams.
So sad little man was sick for the holiday! I hope he's all better now and having a great time gearing up for Christmas. If you guys are up here any before Christmas please give us a call. We will be in town until Christmas Day and we'd love to see you guys!
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