Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers I know! We went to Birmingham for the weekend. Friday was actually such a nice (and slow) day that we decided to leave work at lunch and head to Birmingham. It was a pleasant drive and while Joshua was napping, Matt and I took some time to make our inaugural name list for Baby #2. The list is pretty lengthy, but it’s a start. I spent most of Saturday hanging out with my sister Stephanie. We went to lunch together and then got pedicures. I love my hot pink toes! Joshua spent time with Grandma, Grandpa, and Granny (my grandma) and then went to the park with two of his aunts and Grandpa. From the pictures the twins texted me, it looks like he had a great time! That evening mom and grandma cooked a wonderful dinner which we all enjoyed. After church on Sunday we went to Matt’s sister’s house and celebrated Mother’s Day with Matt’s family. Joshua really enjoyed eating strawberries after lunch. Joshua also had fun playing with his cousins. Thanks to Alec and Eli for letting Joshua drive your remote control car off the sidewalk over and over and over… It was a very special day and I received sweet cards from all my boys - Joshua, Baby #2, Hardy & Ridley (our dogs), and Daddy. Thank you!
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