We decided to take a family vacation over a 4-day weekend. Matt, Joshua, and I drove up to Birmingham after work on Friday to see Grandaddy (Matt’s dad). The next morning Mommy met up with her godparents to go to Tuscumbia for the Helen Keller festival (I’ll explain why at the end of the blog) while Joshua and Daddy explored Grandaddy’s lot for a new house and then drove to Huntsville to see Grandottie and JerryPop. Mommy had a great time visiting with her parents, sisters, godparents, Denise and Shirley. We toured Ivy Green (Helen Keller’s birthplace), Wilson Lock and Dam, and Pope’s Tavern (a Civil War site). I got to reminisce with my family about trips we made here growing up. Also we got to celebrate Mom and Dad’s 39th anniversary and Mary Rose and Brian’s 37th anniversary. Joshua and Daddy got to spend quality time with Grandottie, JerryPop, Aunt Morgan, Uncle Jason, and cousins Sammy, Gracie, and Nick. On Sunday, Mommy, Daddy, Grandottie, and Joshua headed to Chattanooga to visit the Tennessee Aquarium. Joshua really got into watching to fish and telling them “bye bye fishes” when we moved on to the next exhibit. He hugged the glass to ooh and ahh over all that he saw. Matt and I were so pleased that he seemed to have a great time. On Monday we went swimming at the pool, wished Grandottie and JerryPop a happy anniversary, and then headed back to Bham to have dinner with Grandaddy and wish him a happy birthday. We returned home on Tuesday to relax before heading back to work. It was a great trip and we enjoyed seeing everyone soo much!

**The story behind Ivy Green** When we were growing up, mom used to take her 4 girls to visit her friend Elaine VandenBurgh and her 3 kids in Florence, AL. The V's had twin girls the same age as my twin sisters and a little boy the same age as my younger sister. Let me first say there is not a lot to do in NW Alabama, especially when you are looking for inexpensive fun. One of the places our moms used to like to visit was Ivy Green, the birthplace of Helen Keller. This wouldn't have been so bad if we went once or twice, but we went a lot over the years. It went from educational to torture in a short time. Steph got really proficient at reenacting HK at the water pump and telling HK jokes to the point that mom said "If you can't act any better than this, we just won't go." To which Steph (and us) replied "Thank you!" Another place we used to visit was Wilson Lock and Dam to watch boats go up the TN River. In hindsight this was really dangerous considering we kids used to entertain ourselves by sticking our heads, arms, legs, over the edge to pretend we were falling in to freak out the outnumbered moms. Keep in mind we would have been ages 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 5, and 5. It made for good memories and a nice place for a picnic lunch.

Steph and Chad's dramatic reinactment