Joshua has another ear infection in both ears. He’s been a sickie lately with goopy eyes and a runny nose, but it appeared to be a cold and there was no fever and the ped’s office called in some eye drops so we watched him. Matt and I noticed Joshua tugging a little at an ear when he was going to sleep and waking up in the morning. I asked Joshua in the morning “Does your ear hurt?” to which he nodded. I really thought I had a breakthrough in figuring out the ear infection and even Matt was excited so I decided to test my theory. I asked “Does your nose hurt?” Then Joshua nodded and touched his nose. Then I asked “Well do your toes hurt?” And he responded by touching his toes and saying “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” and looked up at me and smiled. So much for my breakthrough, it apparently was a game. I still took him to the ped’s office and found out both of his ears were rotten so besides prescribing a shot and antibiotics, the doctor also gave us a referral to the ENT who will likely want tubes in his ears. We will go in a couple weeks. I’m a little sad because I know it will be traumatic for Joshua, but it will be good when he is well. The pediatrician was really nice and gave Joshua a Thomas the Train sticker. Joshua waved and gave him a hi-five. The shots were not too bad and the nurse gave Joshua a sucker. He apparently didn’t have any hard feelings abut the shots and waved and told her “bye-bye” when we were leaving.

**Side note: This picture was taken a few days later when he was feeling better. It's just such a fun picture, I wanted to post it.
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