We just got back from a fun week at the beach with mommy’s family and some friends. We stayed at a house on Seacrest Beach. The beach was wonderful nearly every day, the pool was relaxing and cool, and the weather was perfect, though incredibly hot. Daddy came for a couple days which were fun. And all week mommy and Joshua were showered with love and attention. Joshua got his fill of watching Barney, giving out kisses, and celebrating his birthday – a little early, but surrounded by family (birthday pics will be posted in the next blog). He made new friends with Grayson and Jillian while the Benzaia’s were in town. The week really flew by and we’re a little sad we have to wait another whole year to go back. On the other hand, next year should be twice the fun with 2 birthday boys in the house. Thanks to my family for a great time and for hauling all my stuff (including Joshua) up and down the stairs at the beach, well and everywhere we went!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Beach Vacation 2010
We just got back from a fun week at the beach with mommy’s family and some friends. We stayed at a house on Seacrest Beach. The beach was wonderful nearly every day, the pool was relaxing and cool, and the weather was perfect, though incredibly hot. Daddy came for a couple days which were fun. And all week mommy and Joshua were showered with love and attention. Joshua got his fill of watching Barney, giving out kisses, and celebrating his birthday – a little early, but surrounded by family (birthday pics will be posted in the next blog). He made new friends with Grayson and Jillian while the Benzaia’s were in town. The week really flew by and we’re a little sad we have to wait another whole year to go back. On the other hand, next year should be twice the fun with 2 birthday boys in the house. Thanks to my family for a great time and for hauling all my stuff (including Joshua) up and down the stairs at the beach, well and everywhere we went!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Joshua Update

He had his follow up visit with the ENT and all is well so we are ready to go on vacation next week and swim and have a good time!
We decided to out to eat for dinner at Bonefish Grill which is a favorite of Mommy and Daddy. At one point Matt left the table to use the restroom and Joshua asked me "Where Daddy go?" I told him Daddy had to potty so he turned toward Matt and said (loudly)"Wash hands Daddy! Daddy, wash hands!" We got a big laugh out of this, though the restaurant was so loud Matt didn't hear him. We are proud of our button's attention to good hygiene.
Lastly here are a few pics of Joshua's big boy room. There are some finishing touches going on, but you get the idea. Perhaps after vacation we will actually start using it.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Tubes in ears
Joshua had tubes placed in both his ears on Tuesday. Mommy and Daddy were very nervous but the staff took great care of our baby boy. Before the surgery Joshua, Mommy, and Daddy were in a pediatric prep room that was full of books which Joshua really enjoyed reading as various staff members came by to say hello and tell us their role in the procedure (anesthesiologist, nurses, doctor, etc.) Shortly before they took him to surgery they gave him some oral medicine to relax him and it really worked. We were reading a book to him about a bear and on every other page the bear got in a situation where he fell down. After Joshua was relaxed he would point at the bear and laugh like it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen and say “The bear fell down!” He was so happy that when a nurse came in to take him away he didn’t fuss or anything, he simply hugged his sock monkey and chatted as she carried him away.
The staff had warned us that Joshua would be fussy/ disoriented when he woke up and they weren’t kidding. When they brought us into recovery he was crying and bucking and flopping his head around and his eyes weren’t even open. Eventually he would semi-calm down and open his eyes but that would start off a new round of tears and squirming. He didn’t really calm down until we had him in the car heading home. He drank his sippy cup of apple juice and went to sleep. Later Daddy made him some waffles which he loves to eat. Joshua spent most of the day in his mommy’s arms, but by late afternoon he was back to himself except he fell down more than usual – probably adjusting to the pressure change in his head.
We’ve noticed in the days following that his eating has improved. We’re not sure if it’s due to him feeling better or is he’s having a growth spurt. Either way it’s a welcome change. Joshua hates the drops we have to put in his ears as well as the oral antibiotic he’s taking – at least when Mommy and Daddy are there. When we have to give him drops, it takes both Matt and me to hold him down because he is kicking, crying, and shaking his head. No amount of love or promises of treats would help. I was talking to his teacher on Friday and said “I bet you’re glad you won’t have to give him anymore drops.” That’s when she told me what an angel he is. Apparently when it was medicine time Joshua would climb into her lap and lie on his side and point to his ear and say “Drops in here!” Then roll to the other side and repeat. Needless to say I was shocked so Friday evening I said “Let’s do drops like Miss Terri.” He agreed and laid in my lap while I administered the drops. On the one hand I’m glad he’s so well behaved in public, but on the other hand why can’t he give mommy a break? Oh well, we are glad our little guy is feeling better.
The staff had warned us that Joshua would be fussy/ disoriented when he woke up and they weren’t kidding. When they brought us into recovery he was crying and bucking and flopping his head around and his eyes weren’t even open. Eventually he would semi-calm down and open his eyes but that would start off a new round of tears and squirming. He didn’t really calm down until we had him in the car heading home. He drank his sippy cup of apple juice and went to sleep. Later Daddy made him some waffles which he loves to eat. Joshua spent most of the day in his mommy’s arms, but by late afternoon he was back to himself except he fell down more than usual – probably adjusting to the pressure change in his head.
We’ve noticed in the days following that his eating has improved. We’re not sure if it’s due to him feeling better or is he’s having a growth spurt. Either way it’s a welcome change. Joshua hates the drops we have to put in his ears as well as the oral antibiotic he’s taking – at least when Mommy and Daddy are there. When we have to give him drops, it takes both Matt and me to hold him down because he is kicking, crying, and shaking his head. No amount of love or promises of treats would help. I was talking to his teacher on Friday and said “I bet you’re glad you won’t have to give him anymore drops.” That’s when she told me what an angel he is. Apparently when it was medicine time Joshua would climb into her lap and lie on his side and point to his ear and say “Drops in here!” Then roll to the other side and repeat. Needless to say I was shocked so Friday evening I said “Let’s do drops like Miss Terri.” He agreed and laid in my lap while I administered the drops. On the one hand I’m glad he’s so well behaved in public, but on the other hand why can’t he give mommy a break? Oh well, we are glad our little guy is feeling better.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Baby #2
A lot of people ask me "What does Joshua think about all this?" The truth is, I know he doesn't really have a clue. You can ask him "Where's baby brother?" and he'll kiss my belly. And he includes baby brother in his bedtime prayers, but other than that I think it's a pretty foreign concept. My lap is getting pretty crowded which aggravates him sometimes and he'll push on my tummy trying to make room. Daddy has taken over the bedtime routine which is good because I'll probably be occupied with feeding Baby brother and getting him ready for bed. It's a special guy time for them. I'm a little jealous of their quiet time together, but then I get to relax, read a book, or go to sleep early which makes me appreciate the down time. Also I have to brag on daddy and say he gives the best foot rubs and back rubs, absolutely spoiling Mommy. Thanks Daddy! We love you!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
July News
We took Joshua to an ENT and confirmed that he needs tubes in his ears. We have that scheduled for next week so we can get this out of the way before vacation. He sat in Daddy’s lap while the doctor checked him out and was a really good boy. Mommy and Daddy are anxious, but it will be a good thing when this is behind us and Joshua is well.
Joshua had a new first yesterday. He picked out his clothes -- or at least his top (he didn't want to wear shorts, but his mommy made him). I laid out Joshua's clothes like I do every morning and while I was lotioning him we were talking about the colors on his shirt. He said "No, I want that" and pointed to the cradle of clothes in our room. At first I said "Let's wear this" while holding up what I had picked out, but he starting crying and saying "no no no" so I let him down. He carefully looked at the pile of clothes and selected a shirt with a big smile. He was so proud of himself. When I told the ladies at his daycare they all cheered for him and he was a happy boy.
This happened again this morning only this time he pulled out some footed fleece pajamas. He was terribly upset that I wouldn’t let him wear them. I must be a mean mommy for not letting him wear winter clothes in July when the heat index is around 105! From now on there will be two options and the other clothes will be hidden/ put away.
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