We took Joshua to an ENT and confirmed that he needs tubes in his ears. We have that scheduled for next week so we can get this out of the way before vacation. He sat in Daddy’s lap while the doctor checked him out and was a really good boy. Mommy and Daddy are anxious, but it will be a good thing when this is behind us and Joshua is well.
Joshua had a new first yesterday. He picked out his clothes -- or at least his top (he didn't want to wear shorts, but his mommy made him). I laid out Joshua's clothes like I do every morning and while I was lotioning him we were talking about the colors on his shirt. He said "No, I want that" and pointed to the cradle of clothes in our room. At first I said "Let's wear this" while holding up what I had picked out, but he starting crying and saying "no no no" so I let him down. He carefully looked at the pile of clothes and selected a shirt with a big smile. He was so proud of himself. When I told the ladies at his daycare they all cheered for him and he was a happy boy.
This happened again this morning only this time he pulled out some footed fleece pajamas. He was terribly upset that I wouldn’t let him wear them. I must be a mean mommy for not letting him wear winter clothes in July when the heat index is around 105! From now on there will be two options and the other clothes will be hidden/ put away.
1 comment:
Haha! Love the story. My mom still tells the story of me wearing my red wool Christmas skirt in the middle of summer because I pitched such a big fit. I think she says I never wore it again. :)
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