Happy Father’s Day! Overall we had a great Father’s Day, though it did start out a little sketchy. Saturday night we went out to Bonefish Grill for a nice Father’s Day dinner. The meal and family time was great, but when we got out to our car we saw that someone had hit our new van, denting in the bumper and did not even leave a note. It was pretty disappointing considering the van isn’t even a month old. On Sunday the boys gave Daddy a card which they colored. Also they both made him cards at school. Church was special because it was the last service before our pastor is leaving for a new assignment. We will really miss him and enjoyed the farewell service. Afterwards there was a picnic under a tent on the front lawn. The thermometer said it was 96deg but the heat index in that tent had to be over 100deg. It was hot!! We enjoyed the rest of the day at the house with Mommy cooking a special meal for “Super Daddy.” (A few times during the day Joshua told Matt “You my super hero. You Super Daddy.)

Joshua really enjoyed wishing his daddy as well as his grandfathers and even a few other people from church “Happy Father’s Day.” It was so genuine and super sweet. So to all the dad’s out there especially my dad, Matt’s dad and stepdad, and my wonderful husband Matt, Happy Father’s Day! We love you!
A Funny little Joshua story:
Joshua was trying to climb over the ottoman with an armful of toys and fell and started crying.
Me: Oh no! What hurts?
Joshua: (big tears) the ground.
Proof that he is his father’s son…
Fun with Daddy |
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