Happy Anniversary on July 24th! It's hard to believe 7 years have gone by. Our lives are so different now than they were before we married, but it's all for the better, as cliche as it sounds. A couple months ago our pastor did a series on marriage and one of the statistics he quoted was that the average American marriage lasts about 7 years. Matt and I have both had a little fun as this date was approaching about getting back in the dating scene/ getting a new trophy husband/wife or deciding if we want to buy something since we were just going to divide it in a few weeks. All fun aside I feel so blessed to be married to my best friend, who shares the same values as I do, is a wonderful husband and father, is funny, and it especially doesn't hurt that he's so good looking. I love you bebe!
My Thing 1 and Thing 2 |
For our anniversary we decided to hire a baby sitter and go out for the evening. We started out going to the movies. We planned to go see Captain America, but when we got there it was sold out (which we should have assumed could happen because it was opening weekend). We ended up seeing the final Harry Potter movie which was interesting considering we hadn't seen the previous two movies in the series. While we were waiting for it to start I asked the lady next to me if she could summarize any major events that happened in the previous movie and she said "Oh honey, you've missed too much." We still had a good time and enjoyed our time out. Afterwards we went to the beach to have dinner at The Grand Marlin which is probably our favorite restaurant around here. Dinner and drinks were great. It was also pretty cool not to have to change diapers during dinner or share "just one more bite" with a toddler with a taste for upscale dining. Our gift to each other will be a vacation to Disney World in a couple months. We're looking forward to it.

Another milestone on the 24th was that Noah turned 11 months old. I can't believe my little man is closing in on being a one year old. The birthday planning has already started. So here are a few facts about Noah. He is really close to walking. He still "powers down" at bed time. We are fortunate to have such a good sleeper and one who goes down so effortlessly. He loves clapping and smiling and playing with his brother. Joshua likes to tell him "I love you No-ie beary." or "I love you brother!" Noah has recently turned the corner on eating and has become much better at eating foods with textures (he used to have a big gag reflex). We can tell Noah has a bit of a temper. Whenever Joshua takes a toy away from him or mommy takes the tv remote from him his face contorts and he screams, sometimes falling to the floor. I think we will have our hands full with him. His favorite song for me to sing to him is "How much is that doggie in the window." He is a delightful boy and we've enjoyed getting to know him as his personality blossoms.

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