Hey, it stopped raining! (Magic Kingdom) |
Turkey Leg and Beer at Epcot. Yum! |
Matt and I took an anniversary trip to Disney World. Let me explain all of our disclaimers up front. We decided to go in October because it's really too hot and crowded to go on our actual anniversary in July and I was nursing Noah at the time. Secondly we decided not to take the boys because they are too young to really remember it thus making this our scouting trip to plan for the family trip. But back to the trip, it was a lot of fun! Matt had never been and I had only when once when I was very young. We stayed at Coronado Springs and spent 3 days visiting the parks. Our trip began by driving the boys to Brmingham to stay with family (who knew you had to leave FL to go to Orlando?). Then we flew to Orlando. We visited the Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Epcot. The first day we had monsoon-like rain most of teh day. Luckily in all my planning I packed inexpensive ponchos for Matt and me - $1.29 at Target vs. $15.95 at Disney. I also used a website, Touringplans.com, which has maps and itineraries for virtually any type of group. I highly recommend it for anyone planning a trip to Disney World. It was great! We followed the itinerary which also provided tips about when to get FAST Passes and ended up riding everything we wanted. Don;t get me wrong, we criss-crossed all over the park, but knew where to be when to catch rides and shows. The website also had an app which was semi-helpful. I preferred going old school and carrying my map/ itinerary in a plastic baggy (which was thoroughly soaked by the end of Day 1). It was so much fun! We missed our boys but enjoyed spending time together.
Awesome LEGO creation |
Seriously, look at that rain!! |
Buzz is friendly! |
The boys first stayed with Grandottie and Jerry Pop in Huntsville and then went to stay with Grandma and Grandpa in Birmingham. They had a great time. Grandpa and Granddaddy even took Joshua fishing for the first time! When Matt and I got back to Birmingham we had a surprise for Joshua. Matt and I had picked up a plush Mickey Mouse which we strapped into his car seat. (Noah had one too but he really wasn't that interested, though he did squeal with delight when he saw his mommy and daddy come to get him.) Joshua's face lit up when he saw Mickey and he hugged him and asked 'Did you come all the way from Disney World?" It was very sweet! Our small camera died when we got to the resort so the only photos we have are the ones we took on our phones.
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