Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Funny Boys

Here are a few quotes/stories  from my funny boys.

This is a recent conversation between Matt and Joshua after Matt hit his head on the headboard while they were settling down to read a book:
Joshua: Sorry.
Daddy: It's not your fault. I hit my head.
Joshua: Oh, you should say sorry to yourself
Daddy: Sorry to myself.

We have a lot of Toy Story clothing and toys in our house. Whenever I point to Woody and ask "Who's that?" Noah says "Yee-ha!" This amuses me to no end!

When I recently went to pick Joshua up from daycare there was a little girl who kept asking J for a hug while he dodged her. Later I asked him why he wouldn't hug her and he said "I'm too busy doing boy things to hug a girl!"  I'm just glad he's not too busy to hug his mommy.

Noah has reached another milestone of sorts. Up until Friday any question you asked him was answered with "No!" You had to listen to his inflection to know if he meant yes. Well now he has started saying "Yesh!" to some questions. So proud of my big boy!

We have a beautiful drive to work everyday. We drive across Escambia Bay while the sun is coming up. It's a peaceful part of the day. One morning as we were driving across the bridge and listening to k-love, Joshua was really paying attention because he exclaimed "Mommy! They talkin' about God. He's our Savior." I'm so glad he listens and pays attention. He is a sweet child of God.

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