Well we had a very Merry Christmas this year! As with Thanksgiving, there was a lot of traveling, but we got to see everyone and that was important to us. Joshua must have been a good boy because Santa as well as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins gave him nice goodies. Joshua even got into opening presents a little. Christmas morning he grabbed at some pretty paper. When he had a hold, Matt and I pulled the present thus "opening" the present. This was pretty cool until Joshua tried to eat the paper and discovered it is not tasty or soft! Afterwords he played with some of his toys which was awesome. He is growing and changing so fast! I got an extra special gift as Christmas Eve Joshua started saying "Mamamamama." I know right now it's just a sound, but I'll live in denial and say my super smart baby knows what he's doing and is trying to say "Mama."

We celebrated Christmas with Matt's family a couple days after Christmas. This time Joshua curled up and completely slept through the opening of presents which is not a quiet event with all his cousins present. Grandottie made Joshua's stocking which had a non-naked bear on it (Mom and Dad asked that Joshua's wear have a hat so it would be dressed). A few hours later we went to visit Joshua's Granddaddy and once again, he slept through gift time. He was one worn out little boy, yet still a good sport about it.

He traveled pretty well both coming and going. I know we won't always be able to make the whirlwind trip, but it was special to spend Joshua's first Christmas with family. Joshua spent a lot of the trip showing off his newest skill of grabbing his toes. It makes him so happy to do this.
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