Joshua was baptized on Sunday. He is such a good baby! He didn't mind the pastor holding him or baptizing him with water. It was great that all his grandparents and two of his aunts were able to make it. An extra special memory that we'll always have is that Joshua was baptized in the same gown that his Daddy and his Grandottie wore when they were babies. Actually several babies across different generations in his family have worn that gown.

So what is Joshua up to these days? He still really enjoys his exersaucer. His reach is getting a little longer so he can reach more toys. We haven't actually installed any batteries so when he gets bored with th toys as they are we'll make them brand new with lights and sounds. A new game he enjoys is reaching up and pulling off his mommy's glasses at night or in the morning. I know I should discourage this, but he's so excited when he successfully pulls them off that I cheer right along with him. He also is talking more. He surprises Matt and me with new sounds all the time. He also has this amazing giggle that when he gets going is incredible. Matt and I love him soooo much!

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