Little Man is 5 months old! I can hardly believe it. It's funny but the other day I was telling a friend a story about Joshua when he was about a month old and I started the story "When Joshua was a baby..." then I thought he
is still a baby! This weekend Matt and I are planning on letting Joshua try his first solid food. I say "solid food" but it will really be a spoonful of rice cereal with milk. We'll see how he likes it. I'll post some pictures as I expect it to be messy.

I've mentioned before that Joshua sleeps on his side, but I've never explained how he gets there. Here's a typical nap/night time routine: After the nursing, reading a book, rocking in a chair, etc. when Joshua is nearly good and asleep, I'll lie him in his crib on his back. Then he'll kick both his legs straight up in the air, grab both his ears (the paci is in his mouth) and roll onto his side (usually his left) where he'll stay until he wakes up, weather that's 2:30 or 5:30 in the morning. It's a cute routine. This picture is a modified version. He had already let go of his ear by the time I took the photo. However Matt and I did videotape this so look for us to post soon.
Also Joshua has started sitting up - sortof. He'll sit for about a minute if he's distracted by a toy. I think when he realizes what he's doing he becomes a folding chair a folds up falling frontwards or backwards. Eitherway, it's a big step and his Mommy and Daddy are so proud! Here are his latest stats: 26in length and 15.1lbs
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