Joshua marked another milestone Friday night. He rolled over...twice. I was on the phone with his Grandma and Grandpa and just missed his first act which he performed for his daddy. Then after some celebration, Daddy put Joshua back on his tummy and our little man rolled over again. We were so excited! He's also so close to rolling from his back to his stomach if he could ever figure out what to do with one of his arms.

Joshua continues to say "Mama." We are working on dada, but so far he has stuck to his usual sounds. Matt and I have bought some Stage 1 baby food. He'll likely be trying out some carrots this week. We'll post pictures as this will be his first food that has a taste to it.

I know Joshua is growing and changing everyday. While I was dressing him I came up with some questions I would ask him if he could talk.
When I'm trying to put a shirt on you or trying to pull your legs out of a footed sleeper, why do you straighten your arms and legs as hard as you can? When I am trying to put socks on your feet, why do your legs become noodles? What are you thinking when the dogs come into the room and you stare at them with a big smile?

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