We took Joshua to the pumpkin patch on Saturday. We got some great pictures and it was cool to see him walking around. He was most excited about ... the hay. Seriously, with all those orange pumpkins, he was all about grabbing fistfuls of hay. I think it's because we took him before the Alabama - Tennessee game and he was avoiding the orange! He did actually pick up and drop a lot of pumpkins. And of course we couldn't resist dressing our pumpkin up to match all the other pumpkins.

These days Joshua has so much personality. He mimics everything. If I'm using antibacterial hand soap, he moves his hands to look like he's washing his as well. He points and grunts at the things he wants, particularly when he's eating. If he's in the mood he'll repeat words if you start with "Say book... ball... dog... drink...." We are excited that we can say "Say Roll Tide" and he'll signal a touchdown and say "Ro Ti." He's not 100% on this one but he's getting better and it's awfully sweet. He really enjoys reading and being read to. We read lots of books every night. Lastly, he recently got a soft toddler chair to sit in (Thanks Aunts Celeste and Elaine!) which he enjoys sitting in like a big boy!

"Here Daddy, let me help."
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