Joshua is getting more independent these days. He's great at repeating words he hears, but there are some he has a grasp of and he likes to talk about. One of those is "jacket." He loves wearing his jacket, pointing at it and saying "jacket" and dragging it around the house waiting for Mommy or Daddy to put it on him. Here is how this usually goes down in the evenings: Joshua will point at his jacket and say "jacket" waiting for Mommy/Daddy to give it to him. If we don't, he will climb or stand on his tippy toes to pull his jacket off our kitchen table. He then drags it all over the kitchen saying "jacket" until you stop what your doing and put it on him. He's so good. He holds his arms out with a big grin to help you put it on him. He claps once it's on and starts playing or looks for Mommy or Daddy's jackets to bring it to us because he wants us to wear ours inside too. And before you call DHR, yes we've paid our power bill and the heat is on, our little guy simply likes wearing his blue jacket.
FYI - Probably his second favorite word (and I'm not counting Mama and Daddy because those have been solid for awhile) is CRACKER. He knows where we keep them and he'll point at them saying "cracker" until we give him one.
Clearly, Joshua wants his jacket on so he can travel north to Huntsville. He misses his Grandottie and JerryPop!! And we miss him, too! Give him hugs and kisses for us. Love to all,
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