It's been awhile since I talked about what Joshua's up to these days, so here's an update. Joshua is very chatty these days. He's good at repeating words and pointing at things he wants. When you hand him food, he generally says "Tanku" and when he doesn't want anymore he'll wave it away or say "all done" or simply throw whatever it is on the floor. He's still not much of an eater, but he's growing so he must be okay. He's gotten much better with pointing at body parts. "Ears" and "Nose" are probably his favorite. He has gotten really proficient at climbing. He could before, but it was a cumbersome process that gave us time to pull him down or he'd give up. Now every time I turn around he's standing on the couch. We haven't had any tumbles yet, but it's only a matter of time because he's fearless. Joshua loves to give big hugs. In the evenings Matt and I will sit on the opposite sides of the floor and Joshua will run back and forth with his arms spread out wide and a huge grin on his face. He's a very lovable little boy. He has a wonderful laugh that he uses a lot! He recently went from the toddler tub to the big boy bath. Joshua has so much fun splashing and "swimming" from one end of the tub to the pther. The hardest part is pulling him out at the end because he's having so much fun.
Lastly, we enjoyed watching Alabama win the BCS National Championship Game. Even Joshua had a great time, though he fell asleep before it was over. He's good at saying "Roll Tide" which usually coincides with signaling a touchdown. It was a great football season. Roll Tide Roll!
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