Life has been going by quickly! I can't believe Noah is 3 weeks old! In the last week Noah has continued to grow. He coos, looks around, and tries to hold his head up. He continues to take aim and pee on everyone who changes him, especially in the middle of the night. He's a big eater and usually demands to be fed every 2-1/2 - 3 hours. He's had his days and nights mixed up earlier this week. Hopefully he'll figure it out soon as mommy is especially tired! One of his eyes was goopy at his 2 week checkup and Noah was prescribed an antibiotic ointment. His eye is finally better and I'm sure he's got to feel better too. In other news, Noah no longer likes to be swaddled - which surprised me because Joshua loved to be swaddled for many weeks. Also, following his 2 week appointment, he graduated to the size 1 diapers. Way to go Noah! Just slow down a little - you're getting big too fast for your mommy and daddy!
Something that has surprised me the most about having a new baby is how much bigger it makes my first baby seem. I remember shortly before Noah was born, worrying that perhaps we put Joshua is a big boy bed too soon because "he's just a baby," and while he'll always be my baby, he seems more solid than before. I see him with new eyes that are surprised at how well he jumps, kicks, throws, runs, and is interested in helping out. He's often quick to correct me if I say "There's my big boy..." he'll reply, "No, I'm a baby!" To which I'll snuggle him and tell him yes he
is my baby boy. Now if only we could get him to sleep in his bed all night instead of coming to get daddy in the wee hours....

Roll Tide!!
Grandma has been in town the last two weeks helping Mommy keep track of her two little boys. We took Joshua to get a haircut over the weekend. The lady was very patient with him and as a result, it looks really good. She gave him a sucker to eat while she was cutting which was helpful, but all his falling hair stuck to his face and he looked like he had a beard when it was all done. Also on Saturday the boys watched Alabama beat Penn St., 24-3. Daddy was at the game and had a great time. We sent pictures and texted all night.
Grandma went home today and we were sad to see her go and yet ready to practice being a family of four. Joshua spent the evening knocking on the guest room door saying "Knock, knock. Hello. Grandpa?" (He knows mom's name is Grandma, but he likes to get a rise out of us by calling her Grandpa.) This is usually followed by a "Where's Grandpa? Oh, Grandma went home." Fortunately she is always just a phone call away - and Joshua loves talking/singing on the phone! Thanks Mom/Grandma! We love you!

I love this picture because it looks like Barney is crashing the party. Also because it features both Noah and "Baby Noah" - Joshua's doll he named after his brother.