Noah met his pediatrician today for his 2 week checkup. The wait was pretty long which is really unusual. As a result, Noah was hungry and screamed the whole time or as the doctor put it "he has a great cry...." I also want to take a moment to brag on how well behaved Joshua was the whole time. Grandma was kind enough to read books over and over to him while he snacked on goldfish. Now back to Noah, he is doing really well.
Here are his stats:
Weight - 9lbs 10oz; 74th percentile
Height - 23in; 98th percentile
Head circum - 37cm
The doctor was impressed with his weight gain. It's also noteworthy to mention that there was a med student observing and towards the end of the checkup, the doctor was asking me if I thought Noah was recognizing faces and sounds. As if on cue, Noah, whose head was on my shoulder looking behind me, picked up his head, turned it 90deg and looked at the med student. She exclaimed "Did you see that? He just picked up his head and looked at me!" The doc said "Well he's not supposed to be doing that yet." But that's Noah, my strong little boy!
Since Noah was the last patient before lunch, the doctor invited me to stay in the room and nurse my screaming boy which I thought was really nice. It made for a much easier exit. Afterwards Mommy, Grandma, and the boys went to Tuscan Oven for lunch which is always yummy. It was a great first outing!
Another beautiful boy! Love to all, Grandottie and JerryPop
That is a gorgeous picture of you, emmy. Do I dare say that having kids has made you even prettier. Maybe if you pop out 3 more, you could become the next top model. I'd vote for you!
Aunt stoppie and uncle chad are proud to represent for all the "pink kids"! Holla!
You are a nut, Aunt Pinky, I mean Stoppie! Love to you and Chad. And love to Grandottie and JerryPop!
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