Joshua, Mommy, and Noah

Mommy and Noah
Here are some pictures that were taken at the beach when Celeste and Elaine were visiting. Noah was not digging the beach, but in his defense it was very windy. Why is Joshua holding a football in some of the pictures? Throwing a football at people is better than throwing sand at them. Makes perfect sense, right?

Mommy and Joshua

Life is full of surprises. Noah has never been fond of pacifiers but they can be awfully handy, especially when a baby is fussing at night. My master plan before he was born was to buy various pacies, but no soothies because that was Joshua's brand and I wasn't sure if he would go back to them or not (He kicked the habit a couple months before Noah was born). Well as it has turned out, soothies are the only pacies that Noah will marginally accept - I bought some out of frustration when the others didn't work. So much for my master plan. Oh, and Joshua is showing no interest in them other than he likes to hide them in shoes - yuck!

I should mention that when Noah was born, Grandottie and Jerry Pop gave Joshua a Veggie Tale DVD called "Josh and the Big Wall." He absolutely loves it! He has the video and songs memorized. It is so cute!
Something else that Joshua does is quietly go into his room and pull all his clothes out of his drawers and make a pile of them he can throw over his head like leaves. This is also a favorite nap time distraction. I don't always catch him in the act because he'll put his clothes up, squashed into 2 drawers. However, come bedtime it is apparent the order has been destroyed. It almost makes me want to quit folding his clothes.

Aunt Celeste, Joshua, Aunt Elaine, and Noah

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