Yesterday I took the Joshua and Noah for their 3 year and 1 year check ups, respectively. First the stats, then the stories.
height - 37", 35th %
weight - 30lbs, 35th %
height - 30.5", 70th %
weight - 22lbs 4oz, 40th %
Both boys are growing and growing. Joshua recently has shown an interest in saying "look at my muscles" and flexing which is made funnier by the fact you can count all his ribs when he does this. The only time we got him to stand still long enough to get his height measured in the dr's office was when he was showing off his muscles to the nurse. He really likes his pediatrician and was chatty talking about everything from the characters on Cars to telling him "I have crazy hair." (When he wakes up in the morning we like to tell him he has 'crazy hair.')
Look at my muscles! |
Noah got 5 shots and Joshua got 1. My boys once again proved to be opposite. I assumed Noah would recover quickly and Joshua would be upset about the shot, but actually Noah cried and wailed and didn't settle down even after I picked him up whereas Joshua didn't even cry. Joshua left with 2 stickers, a sucker, and a "prize" from the toy box. Afterwards we ate lunch at a local pizzeria and headed home.
First Bama game of the 2011 season |
At some point after we got home, Noah looked like he was chewing on something and gagging on it, but I didn't see anything at first. And then I reached in his mouth and realized he had pulled off one of his band-aids and was chewing on it. I was totally grossed out. I was about to text Matt and tell him how gross
his son was when I realized Joshua was a little too quiet. I went looking for him and found him in the bathroom where he had pulled off his band-aid and was "washing" it in the toilet so he could keep in forever and ever. Eww! I'm not sure which is grosser, the chewing or the washing, but either way it was appalling. What am I going to do with these boys?
Okay here's one last story that I should have mentioned in my Noah birthday summary. Something Noah has always done is get really excited about eating. As soon as he sees a bottle he starts giggling and pumping his legs. It's absolutely adorable. He just radiates happiness. He's such a sweet boy!
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