Monday, September 19, 2011

Football, Family, and Tiny Tim

Joshua has really gotten into cheering for Alabama football. He'll keep asking if it's time to "get my game face on." He also likes to cheer "Go Bama!" and "Come on Bama" during the game. Noah is still easily startled by the sudden cheering making naps an alternative to watching the game. They both are good sports about posing in their jerseys. Though there was an "incident" regarding the jerseys. I bought Joshua's jersey on sale during last season - it's Mark Ingram's #22. Noah exceeded my expectations and outgrew the jersey Joshua wore when he was Noah's age so I bought him a new jersey - Trent Richardson's #3. Joshua could not understand why Joshua, who is 3 years old has to wear a #2 while Noah, who is 1 gets to wear a #3. "It's not right! I'm free, not brother!" Hopefully we won't have to discuss this every week.
Go long!
Noah's "game face"
Grandma and Grandpa recently came for a visit. It was fun to hang out with them. Joshua was itching for some company. A few days before they came we had the following conversation.
Joshua: How's about we go to school, have a good day, and then go to Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Mommy: That's sweet, but...
Joshua interrupted: No Mommy. I say we go to school, have a good day, AND THEN go to Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Mommy: Tell you what, we'll go to school, have a good day, and then call them on the phone...
Joshua interrupted again: so we can tell them "We coming! We coming!" and Grandpa will take me fishing.
Mommy: We'll see...
Noah really loves Joshua's golf clubs. He loves to walk through the house holding them like crutches, which reminds me of Tiny Tim. He's so unstable hobbling around the house and falling down. It does make us laugh though.
"God bless us, everyone!" Tiny Tim aka Noah

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