Sunday, December 4, 2011

15mo check up

Noah thinks the best way to view the Christmas tree is to empty your toys out of the toy bin and climb inside
My sweet Noah is 15 months old. Here are some fun facts about my happy guy:
* Noah loves to eat. He'll point at what he wants and grunt at it until you give it to him. It's hard to list favorite foods because he'll eat all foods. At daycare they tell me his favorites are cheese grits and beanie weenies.
* He loves to snuggle plush toys. His current car buddy is a Mickey Mouse which he'll hug and love on in the car.
* He loves to climb. This is beginning to be a problem.  :)
* Noah can say the following words (though they aren't very clear yet): mama, dada, diaper, bye-bye, more, uh-oh, and nose
* He likes to find your nose and can also find his nose, mouth, and ears
* Noah has a temper. He's not afraid to let it flare when he's upset/ frustrated
* He is still an excellent sleeper. All we do is tell him night-night and lay him down in his crib and he goes to sleep. He sleeps with his booty in the air, his ankles crossed, and one hand behind his neck.
 * Noah is currently wearing 18mo clothes which means he's getting new clothes because his brothers 18mo clothes were all summer clothes.
* Noah loves to dance. His teacher tells me all he has to do is hear music, even if it's not in his room and he starts dancing. Also the ones start every day with music time. If Noah walks into the room and the stereo is not on, he'll point at it until the teacher turns it on, then he'll start his uniquely-Noah style of dancing.
On Friday I took Noah in for his 15mo check up. He is a happy, healthy growing boy! Here are his stats:
Height: 32 1/4in ~ 78th %ile
Weight: 22lbs 14oz ~ 25th %ile
Head Circum: 18.5in ~ 42nd %ile

Noah was good at the doctor's office today although one thing is certain, he does not like the nurse. He cried when she tried to weigh him and when she tried to make friends with him he would look away. It really didn't help matters when she gave him a shot. At least it was just one and he also got a sucker which will always make life better. He didn't really show off any tricks for the doctor except for waving and saying "bye" when he was leaving. I think Noah just wasn't in the mood to entertain others.
Joshua was such a good boy during Noah's appointment. He asked if he could "Pretty please, play with mommy's phone" after which he sat quietly in his chair playing with my phone. He's usually a good boy, but today he was extra good. Makes me wonder if he's heard that Santa's watching.

On Saturday we went to the Crestview Christmas Parade with our cousins, the Edwards family. Both boys had a good time though Noah was not too fond of all the police cars and fire trucks rolling by with their sirens on. Joshua especially liked the bands that marched by. He would shape his hands like an air trumpet and play along with them while they passed by. It was super cute. Special thanks to Ryan for entertaining both boys and helping us catch all the candy and beads. We had a great time!
Joshua at the parade

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