Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas 2011 - Part 1

Merry Christmas 2011
All the grandchildren with their stockings
Joshua, Noah and I drove up to Birmingham for Christmas on Wednesday the 21st, with Daddy driving up the following day. It was a good trip up and I have to say how much I enjoyed traveling in the van because even after loading our luggage and gifts in the van, there was still room! Friday we had Christmas with Daddy's family at the annual Nelson, Chatham, & Tilton shindig. The boys loved playing with their cousins and all the kiddos had a great time opening their stockings, which Grandottie made, and all of their presents. Grandottie gave Noah a Raggedy Andy doll, which she has made for all her grandchildren over the years. Joshua was an absolute pro at opening presents. Matt and I had a great time visiting with his brother and sister and their spouses. Joshua - who did not need a nap - fell asleep before we left the neighborhood. Noah who took a nap with JerryPop still fell asleep a few minutes later. Here are some pictures from the party. Thanks to Aunt Dana and Uncle Jesse for hosting! Merry Christmas!
Joshua and Noah opening presents while Jerry Pop looks on
Grandottie with all her grandchildren and the Raggedy Anne & Andy dolls she made them
Wow! This game really is for ages 3 and up.
And to all a good night...
Joshua is taller than the nutcracker
Doesn't that look just say it all: Hold Me!

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