Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas
We also went to have Joshua's 4 month pictures and Christmas pictures taken last week. I posted the link a couple posts ago, but here are some of the pictures we purchased.I always like to give updates on how Joshua is changing so here are my latest observations. He is really starting to talk now. I mean he will look you in the eye and say with intensity "Booo-wah yahhhhh." I'm not sure what it means, but he's serious about it. Matt and I will put him in a swing or an excersaucer during dinner and he will chatter the whole time. Something else he's doing is he has started grabbing his feet while I'm changing him. It's actually a helpful trick so I'm pleased with it. Lastly, and this is my favorite, Joshua has become the snuggliest baby. He was always pretty cuddly, meaning you could rock him to sleep in your arms. But now when you hold him against your shoulder, instead of rigidly arching his back to look around and bobble his head, he will relax and hug you back. It's the same thing when sitting in a chair. He'll tuck his head under your chin and let you rock him for hours, rubbing his back.
Friday, December 19, 2008
The picture above is my little man all dressed up. His Aunt Dana made the beautiful outfit. She is super talented. I struggle with repairing buttons while she sews, smocks, and more. Here is a slideshow with some pictures from the wedding. Feel free to add pictures to it if you have them. (hint, hint - click on the slide show and you are prompted to add pics if you would like). We spent more time passing the baby or rather watching Joshua get passed around than taking pictures. He met so many people. It was great! We love you Steph and Chad!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
4 months old
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Joshua's Baptism
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Power of Song 12
For some useless trivia, my favorite song is song 4. I’m not sure what the name of the song is, but it’s about trains and a mommy rocking her baby to sleep. Anyway, my favorite line in the song goes “and mother dear, is the brave engineer…” It makes me go Awwww!
The crimson tide (and Joshua) have finished the regular season undefeated. Go Bama! Joshua also gets to quote Bear Bryant and mean it when he says “I ain’t never been nothin’ but a winner….”
**I have a slideshow of pictures from our trip that I haven't uploaded yet so checkback later for more pics.**
Monday, November 24, 2008
Another Discovery
Joshua had a great time with his Grandma and Grandpa over the weekend. They came down to visit him... oh, and wish his Mommy a happy birthday. He stayed with them on Friday while mommy and daddy were at work. It was so much fun!
Also this weekend Daddy put together Joshua's exersaucer. He's really enjoyed all the bright colors and toys on it. It's a little big for him, but as long as there's a blanket behind him, he's good to play.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What a Ham!
Whoa, check out those toes! |
This is Joshua's camera face. He was previously smiling sweetly, then saw the camera...
Monday, November 10, 2008
3 months old
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
We survived!
It has been a very big week. Joshua started day care and Mommy went back to work. It was scary and there were tears -- of course I'm talking about Mommy, not Joshua. Matt and I really like the day care. We were on a waiting list for a long time so it's good that his spot opened up just in time. Counting Joshua, there are 6 infants in the class with our baby boy being the youngest. We found out some good news. I knew there was another Joshua in the class and when I paid his tuition, I saw "Joshua Cheatum" on the sign in roster and asked if the other Joshua in the class had a last name of Cheatum. The person said yes, I guess not realizing who I was. Anyway I freaked out that there was a Cheatum and a Chatham in the room because I didn't want them to confuse bottles, diapers, etc. until I found out it was actually a really bad misspelling of our name. Lastly work is keeping me really busy so I don't have time to dwell on not being with Joshua and that makes my day fly by. Also the daycare is so close to work that I can go feed him at lunch everyday. It's the best part of my day!
Joshua is getting much better at sleeping through the night. I can thank this in part due to him discovering his hands and right thumb. I finally got a picture of him sucking on his thumb which I have attached for your enjoyment. Something else Joshua is working on is trying out new sounds. Sometimes out of the blue he'll chuckle loudly at nothing and then he's back to being quiet. It's cute and hilarious!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Pumpkin Patch
Monday, October 27, 2008
Another Discovery!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Family Photo
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What a big week!
Here is what is new with Joshua: Joshua is smiling more and making more noises. He also likes to hold his right ear with his right hand when nursing. He traveled well in the car to and from Birmingham. He'd fall asleep after 20 minutes in the car and I had to wake him up after 3 hours driving because Mommy needed a stop. He's getting good at holding his head up. He flails his arms more and smacks himself in the face, but it never seems to bother him. He also kicks his legs like crazy to get stronger everyday.
Joshua went for his 2 month checkup Tuesday. Mommy and Daddy were sad because Joshua had to get 5 shots and an oral vaccine, but a few shots is better than the disease. The nurse was fast and he did really well. He smiled at the doctor and showed off his ability to hold up his head. It was funny because the doctor said Joshua would get more vocal over the next couple months and right when he said that, Joshua gave him a loud "ooohhr." He weighed 11lbs 14oz and was 24in long. That's quite a bit of growing over the last 2 months.
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