Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Discovery

Joshua has discovered his feet! Recently he has been eying his feet, particularly his toes when his socks come off. Then yesterday he reached down and grabbed a foot and had this amazing look on his face that said "Wow! These are mine too? I can't wait to play with them!" So far there have been no toes in the mouth, he's merely content catching a foot with his hand.

Joshua had a great time with his Grandma and Grandpa over the weekend. They came down to visit him... oh, and wish his Mommy a happy birthday. He stayed with them on Friday while mommy and daddy were at work. It was so much fun!
Also this weekend Daddy put together Joshua's exersaucer. He's really enjoyed all the bright colors and toys on it. It's a little big for him, but as long as there's a blanket behind him, he's good to play.

We're looking forward to Thanksgiving ans seeing all the family. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What a Ham!

Last week I went to the daycare to pick up Joshua and when I got to the door I heard the teacher cheering "Go Josh, Go Josh..." When I opened the door I saw that he was sitting in the middle of a circle of babies kicking and laughing in a bouncer. Joshua's the youngest baby in his class and the only non-mobile one so the only way he could hang with the other kids is to be in a bouncer or excersaucer. He was loving the attention and the other babies were intrigued by the "baby" and were clapping for him. It was sweet.

Whoa, check out those toes!
Also last week I found out he is big enough to sit in an excersaucer and loves playing with the toys so next on daddy's to do list is to assemble the excersaucer. Lately at home we've added Bumbo w/ tray playtime to practise holding up that noggin. He's definitely getting stronger. This past week Joshua's been sucking his left thumb so he must not be too particular. Of course he's also sucked a sore onto his right hand so maybe he's just trading off til it's better. I've got so many great pictures of my baby boy. I have misplaced my USB cable so as soon as I find it (or borrow one) I'll upload pictures.

This is Joshua's camera face. He was previously smiling sweetly, then saw the camera...

Monday, November 10, 2008

3 months old

Joshua is 3 months old today! Our growing boy weights about 13 pounds. He has really good head control, can turn onto his side when lying on his back, and will briefly bear weight on his legs if you "stand him up." This latest trick started the end of last week (Thursday with Matt and Friday with me). Joshua thinks it's a really fun game to stand and then fall. He just giggles outloud. It is super cute. Matt and I will try to capture it on video. The problem is that as soon as Joshua sees a camera he clams up and stares that the camera with a serious expression. Another trick Josua has learned is rotating in his crib. He usually wakes up about 180 degrees from where you left him. And he still loves sucking his thumb at night, though he still looks pretty awkward finding it. Also over the weekend I gave hime some colorful toy keys to play with and he gripped them in his hands and shook them. He's never really played with anything before so it was great! He enjoyed watching Alabama beat LSU, or rather being held while Mommy and Daddy watched the game. It's fun to say that in Joshua's lifetime, Alabama has never lost a game.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We survived!

Here is a picture of Joshua on his first day of "school"

It has been a very big week. Joshua started day care and Mommy went back to work. It was scary and there were tears -- of course I'm talking about Mommy, not Joshua. Matt and I really like the day care. We were on a waiting list for a long time so it's good that his spot opened up just in time. Counting Joshua, there are 6 infants in the class with our baby boy being the youngest. We found out some good news. I knew there was another Joshua in the class and when I paid his tuition, I saw "Joshua Cheatum" on the sign in roster and asked if the other Joshua in the class had a last name of Cheatum. The person said yes, I guess not realizing who I was. Anyway I freaked out that there was a Cheatum and a Chatham in the room because I didn't want them to confuse bottles, diapers, etc. until I found out it was actually a really bad misspelling of our name. Lastly work is keeping me really busy so I don't have time to dwell on not being with Joshua and that makes my day fly by. Also the daycare is so close to work that I can go feed him at lunch everyday. It's the best part of my day!

Joshua is getting much better at sleeping through the night. I can thank this in part due to him discovering his hands and right thumb. I finally got a picture of him sucking on his thumb which I have attached for your enjoyment. Something else Joshua is working on is trying out new sounds. Sometimes out of the blue he'll chuckle loudly at nothing and then he's back to being quiet. It's cute and hilarious!