Saturday, April 30, 2011

April Fun!

So I forgot to mention this earlier, but before Easter Matt had LASIK done on an eye (he only needed correction in one eye).  Yea! It went really well and he's seeing great.  Now we have no corrective lenses in our house... at least for now - genetics does not look good for Joshua and Noah.
Cute as a button!
We went to the beach for some fun recently.  I dressed the boys in complimentary colors for nice some brother pictures and when we got to the beach I saw that Noah had pooped out his diaper and all over his clothes.  Needless to say he got a costume change and fortunately I had also packed a spare shirt for Joshua so he would semi-match.  It was hard to get both boys smiling and looking in the same direction.  Joshua spent most of the time either roaring like an ogre or slinging spidey webs at his mommy and daddy.  Noah found this slightly amusing though it meant he wasn't looking at the camera.  We fought for daylight a little while, then caved and got some dinner at Grand Marlin. Yum! Here are a few pics of our sweet boys.
Noah is laughing at big brother roaring like an ogre
Um, what's going on here?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter! Noah is 8 mo old!

Happy Easter!  We spent a wonderful Easter in Birmingham.  We visited with all our family on both sides.  Joshua and Noah dyed some Easter eggs.  Then Joshua "found" eggs over and over again.  I used quotations because Joshua didn't really want to hunt for eggs.  They had to be in plain sight or he would say "I not see them.  I find them all."  Luckily his aunts didn't mind helping him out.  We went to Holy Thursday service with mommy's family and Easter service with all of daddy's family.  We enjoyed visiting with everyone and celebrating cousin Eli's birthday.  The Easter bunny brought Joshua an extra special treat - golf clubs (specifically left handed ones!) He's having a great time hitting the ball in the hole.  Oh and Joshua is feeling much better.  He got pneumonia the week before Easter but is now doing great!
Easter morning 2011
For the last time, I am NOT an Easter Egg!
Noah is growing so quickly! Here are eight facts about him:
  • Noah is an active crawler! He army crawls all over the place. Once he started he never slowed down.
  • He now has 4 teeth. The top teeth are really large. I can't help but go "wow" everytime I see them.
  • And we do see you teeth alot because you are my smiley boy! You are so happy and have a sweet giggle.
  • You also have a temper. When mommy/daddy sets you down and you want to be held or if Joshua takes a toy away that you really wanted you start shrieking and crying. I'm talking about really loud wailing. It's pitiful!
  • You currently are allergic to strawberries. Mommy fed you some strawberry yogurt when you were sick last week and you broke out in a terrible rash and your skin started peeling. The good news is that the dr said you will likely grow out of it by age 2-3.
  • You are a poopasaurus! Seriously you have to have a change of clothes 5 of 7 days a week and it's not because the diapers don't fit, you just produce a large volume.
  • You say "mama." You babble a lot, especially in the car, but the only word you clearly say is mama, often with arms reaching up for me.
  • You no longer suck your thumb yet you still easily go to sleep. Mommy or daddy can get you nearly to sleep, lay you down, and usually you stay down. Also when you wake up, you usually start playing with the toys instead of screaming. This is a nice treat!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Another first

Noah recently experienced a "first" which he did not like.  I had to tell him no for the first time. He bit his mommy (while/after nursing) so I sternly said "No!" He started crying hysterically.  It was absolutely pitiful! What made it worse was for a day or two afterwards he wouldn't nurse on that side.  He'd almost start, then he'd look up at me with big eyes and his lower lip would quiver.  It makes me feel like the meanest mommy ever! I must have really made an impression on him.

Aunt Elaine and Noah
In happier news, Noah loves bananas.  I fed some to him recently and he didn't miss a drop! Literally his bib was dry and he kept grabbing at the spoon because mommy wasn't fast enough.  Also the twins, Aunts Celeste and Elaine came for a visit. We had a great time going to the Strawberry Festival in Loxley and then shopping at the Outlet. Then we all went out to dinner at McGuire's which is always fun. Thanks for visiting! The boys have a great time and Mommy loves the break from all those diapers.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Working the System

A short Joshua story:
While I was folding laundry, Joshua kept throwing balls at me. Frustrated I said "If you hit mommy one more time, you're going to time out!" He said "Oh" then thought for a second, smiled and said "Mommy, will you play catch with me?"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Art of Roaring

I recently had a geek-out moment with Joshua. Normally on our drive home he likes to point out the places we are passing, i.e. our Church, Dr. Hensley's office, the gas station, the water tower, etc. Anyway on this particular afternoon, J - having named everything else - said "what's that?" and I showed him transmission towers and power poles. Then he asked "Mommy, what is power?" I got all excited and explained as simply as I could saving the "good stuff" for the follow-up question I hope to one day hear - "How do you make power/ electricity?"
Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit toward the end of March.  It was great to see them and Joshua was excited. He actually kept saying "Grandma Grandpa are coming? I so excited!" Our camera is getting cleaned so unfortunately I didn't get any pics, but maybe next time. Noah was just barely ooching when they were in town and he continues to get stronger. Also his top right tooth came through this morning.  Goodbye gummy grin! (I still can't believe he's such an early teether like his brother!)
Another activity Joshua enjoys in the car is practicing both his dinosaur roar and his ogre (Shrek) roar.  I specify the difference because when the roaring gets old it goes something like this:
Me: No more roaring right now.
J: But I’m a dinosaur.
Me: No more dinosaur roars.
J: okay. ROAR!
Me: What did I just say?
J: Mommy I a ogre now.
Me: No more dinosaur or ogre roars.
J: okay.