Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Pictures

We took Joshua for his Easter pictures last week. I remember last year when we took him he liked the chicks, was okay with the lamb, and hated the bunnies. This year he loved the bunny, which he called a kitty cat (everytime you see him pointing in the pictures he was saying "kitty cat"). He was amused by the chicks, but only if he sat in mommy's lap. And he didn't care for the lamb, which he called dog-dog, and had to be bribed with gummy bears to sit next to him. You can tell in the pictures how he felt about it by the way he's leaning away from the lamb. Overall Joshua did great and few tears were shed. Daniel with Hartman Photography is always so patient with Joshua and manages to get great pictures, even when Joshua's being clingy. Check out the link that says "Easter 2010" on the right hand side of the page, or click on the title of this entry "Easter Pictures" and it will take you strait to the webpage. Happy Easter to all! Love, Matt, Emily, Joshua, and Baby Chatham

Monday, March 22, 2010

Big Boy Haircut

Matt and I took Joshua to get his first big boy haircut over the weekend. My little man was sporting a mullet and that just wouldn't do! He was great at the barber shop. He never fussed or shook his head. Everyone commented on how quiet and good he was. The haircut itself was over super fast as the lady didn't want to give him time to get upset. I was a little sad to see my baby look like a little boy, but it suits him. And it is just in time for Easter!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Big Announcement

Joshua has some big news to share. He's going to be a Big Brother! Matt and I are very excited to be adding to our family in August. I know Joshua doesn't know what's coming, but we've talked with him a little bit and here's what he has to say about it:

Mommy: Joshua, do you want a brother or a sister?
Joshua: brother
Mommy: Do you want a sister or a brother
Joshua: brother
Mommy: Joshua, can you say sister?
Joshua: I want brother

I don't really think he knows what either word means and brother is easier to say than sister because of the s's, but I thought it was funny. So far he consistently says he wants a brother. Either way we are all very happy.