Monday, January 25, 2010

Granddaddy's Visit

Granddaddy (Matt’s dad) came for a visit this weekend. It was a great visit. We went to dinner at McGuire’s Friday night which turned out to be an entertaining evening. They had the full pipe and drum core march through the restaurant playing music which Joshua seemed really confused about (there were probably 12 guys in kilts playing bagpipes). Then they had live Irish music which was funny. Joshua got to see people kiss the moose and even clapped along to the song. On Saturday we went to the Naval Aviation Museum. They have countless renovated planes dating back to pre WWI. It was impressive. Best of all were all the Top Gun quotes Matt and I worked into our time there (“You can be my wingman anytime…. Talk to me goose…”). It was fun! They have lots of cockpits you can sit in so that was pretty cool as well for photo ops. My only complaint was that the restrooms are only on the bottom floor and the baby changing table is in the walkway so no one leaves or comes in while the tray is down.
Best of all Granddaddy delivered a model plane he built for Joshua. This is going in his room and will hang from the ceiling. Thanks!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our Little Trekkie

The other night a rerun of Star Trek: The Next Generation came on. Matt was cleaning up the kitchen and I was in the den playing with Joshua. When the theme music started, Joshua began dancing. It was too cute. Then towards the end of the credits when the Enterprise starts warping diagonally across the screen (you fellow Trekkies know what I'm talking about), anyway when the Enterprise disappeared, Joshua would look at me and say "Oh no!" Then the ship would come back and diagonally cross the screen again and disappear to which Joshua said "Oh no!" This happened about 4 times so we had a big laugh. Also Mommy and Daddy were secretly very pleased as we both grew up as fans watching Star Trek: TNG. Live long and prosper.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


"How does this zipper work?"
Joshua is getting more independent these days. He's great at repeating words he hears, but there are some he has a grasp of and he likes to talk about. One of those is "jacket." He loves wearing his jacket, pointing at it and saying "jacket" and dragging it around the house waiting for Mommy or Daddy to put it on him. Here is how this usually goes down in the evenings: Joshua will point at his jacket and say "jacket" waiting for Mommy/Daddy to give it to him. If we don't, he will climb or stand on his tippy toes to pull his jacket off our kitchen table. He then drags it all over the kitchen saying "jacket" until you stop what your doing and put it on him. He's so good. He holds his arms out with a big grin to help you put it on him. He claps once it's on and starts playing or looks for Mommy or Daddy's jackets to bring it to us because he wants us to wear ours inside too. And before you call DHR, yes we've paid our power bill and the heat is on, our little guy simply likes wearing his blue jacket.
"Mama, here's your jacket."
FYI - Probably his second favorite word (and I'm not counting Mama and Daddy because those have been solid for awhile) is CRACKER. He knows where we keep them and he'll point at them saying "cracker" until we give him one."I'm NOT going to tell you again to put on your jacket!"

Sunday, January 10, 2010


It's been awhile since I talked about what Joshua's up to these days, so here's an update. Joshua is very chatty these days. He's good at repeating words and pointing at things he wants. When you hand him food, he generally says "Tanku" and when he doesn't want anymore he'll wave it away or say "all done" or simply throw whatever it is on the floor. He's still not much of an eater, but he's growing so he must be okay. He's gotten much better with pointing at body parts. "Ears" and "Nose" are probably his favorite. He has gotten really proficient at climbing. He could before, but it was a cumbersome process that gave us time to pull him down or he'd give up. Now every time I turn around he's standing on the couch. We haven't had any tumbles yet, but it's only a matter of time because he's fearless. Joshua loves to give big hugs. In the evenings Matt and I will sit on the opposite sides of the floor and Joshua will run back and forth with his arms spread out wide and a huge grin on his face. He's a very lovable little boy. He has a wonderful laugh that he uses a lot! He recently went from the toddler tub to the big boy bath. Joshua has so much fun splashing and "swimming" from one end of the tub to the pther. The hardest part is pulling him out at the end because he's having so much fun.

Lastly, we enjoyed watching Alabama win the BCS National Championship Game. Even Joshua had a great time, though he fell asleep before it was over. He's good at saying "Roll Tide" which usually coincides with signaling a touchdown. It was a great football season. Roll Tide Roll!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy 2010! 2009 was a great year for us and we are excited to jump into 2010 to see what it brings. Matt, Joshua and I went to the beach The day after New Years'. We had lunch at one of our favorite spots, Peg Leg Pete's. Matt and I ordered a half order of crab claws as an appetizer. Who would have guessed our picky eater would love them? Joshua was downing them as quick as we could take the meat off the claw. He turned his nose up (AKA played with and then threw) at the shrimp, rice, green beans, fries, and fish that came later, but we were glad he ate something with protein. If we'd known how much he liked them, we would have gotten a whole order. Matt and I think he was trying to make his Grandottie (who loves crab claws) proud. Afterwards we went to the beach. It was cold! Joshua is still a little leary of the ocean and wouldn't turn his back on it. As you can see from the pictures, he was downright pitiful when we made him stand on the sand. We didn't stay long and Joshua fell fast asleep when we got in the car.