Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Put on My Shirt

Here is a picture of my happy boy showing me how to put on his shirt. He's so helpful (and extra cheery this morning)!

Monday, June 25, 2012

My Super Heroes

My boys (especially Joshua) love to dress up in costumes. We have a variety of costumes at our house and sometimes we'll go through 6 outfits in a half hour, but if it keeps them happy and protecting their mommy from the bad guys, that's probably not a bad thing.

I recently took Joshua to see Madagascar 3 and the best part was when the title sequence was playing and Joshua said "Look Mommy! It has a 3 just like me because I'm 3 years old!" And for anyone who saw it, I'll be singing "Afro Circus" for weeks!

Recently I was getting really frustrated with the swype function on my phone because it was terribly misspelling every word. Then I realized Noah had changed the language setting to Spanish. Aha! Now I'm not crazy and the phone is not a piece of junk! But I probably need to watch out for my happy, button-pusher.

My negociator was working an angle the other day.
Me: What did you do at school today?
Joshua: I did a lot of thinking.
Me: Really? What did you think about?
Joshua: I was thinking maybe we ought to go bowling. So can we?

One final story... Last night Matt was picking on Joshua who was in our bed at bedtime and Joshua sighed and told him "Everybody's being quiet, and everybody's laying down and not talking and doing what they are supposed to EXCEPT you!"  I think Daddy was one "laying on Joshua like a pillow" away from going to time out!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to a great Daddy! The boys enjoyed opening the presents they gave Daddy. And he enjoyed watching the boys open his presents. It was a fun day! Here are some pictures of the bubble fun we had.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tales From the Car

We spend a lot of time in the car and as a result, I have a lot of funny stories about car trips. Here are a few recent highlights from my boys.

Joshua loves for me to "Turn on the maps" i.e. use the Navi system while I am driving. Here's how a recent conversation on Woodbine Rd went:
Joshua: Look Mommy, that's Alligator Lake
Me: Wow! That does look like an alligator. Good job!
Joshua: We don't want to go swimming there.
Me: Because of the alligators?
Joshua: *sigh* No, because of the sharks!

Our favorite cd to listen to in the car these days is Bare Naked Ladies Snack Time. It's a very entertaining cd. I like the Ninja song, Noah likes the popcorn song and the howling at the moon song, and Joshua likes 7, ATE 9 and the bad day song. All in all it's very entertaining and I recommend it to parents and children everywhere. Thank you Aunt Stoppie for this awesome cd!

Noah continues to take off both his shoes and his right sock when we are in the car. I still want to know why???

Joshua made me a very happy mommy the other day. While we were driving home from day care he told me "When I'm big, I'm going to be an engineer!"

Noah's new favorite saying is to say "I'm a happy!" I'm so blessed to have such a sweet, good-mannered little boy (actually two, because Joshua's a sweetheart too).

Both my boys love to sing. Joshua was recently in the car singing "I'm sexy and I know it" which was both funny and wildly inappropriate. Mommy's going to have to pay more attention to what is on the radio! Now to make up for that last story I'll share this one. Joshua was riding in the car and we were listening to k-love on the radio and a song came on that said "Jesus rise from the grave" and Joshua was like "Oh, I like this song, 'Jesus ride the waves..."

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer boys

We are really enjoying the summer weather, well maybe not the weather so much as the long days. We recently took the boys to the blueberry farm. Noah had a lot of fun because he created a game where he would take one blueberry from mommy's basket and put it in daddy's basket and vice versa. It entertained him endlessly and he ran off some energy so it was win-win for everyone. Joshua enjoyed picking the blueberries though he really doesn't mind picking unripe berries. We are working in that!

We recently bought some water guns so we could have a water gun fight and play in the sprinkler. Of course Noah would have none of it. He played at his outdoor water station while mommy, daddy, and brother got wet. Now that summer has started they have started having some water play days at school. I find it interesting that neither of my boys enjoy this to the point that they will sit on the bench by the building rather than play on the playground so that they don't accidentally get wet.

Matt and I recently had one of those "we must be parents" moments. Joshua was refusing to brush his teeth and we ultimately got him to do it by singing and dancing two versions of the chicken dance. It was like "Did we really just do that? Well at least it worked..."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mommy's Helpers

Here are some pictures of my big boys helping me make brownies.... Ta-dah!


Look at all that choc-o-latey goodness!

Use the Force, Noah!
We did it!