Monday, May 24, 2010

Visit with Grandottie and Jerry Pop

Grandottie and Jerry Pop came for a visit over the weekend. It started out a little rough with Joshua getting sick Thursday evening. He turned out to have bad ear infections in both ears. Thanks to a shot, oral antibiotics, and lots of TLC and snuggling, he bounced back quickly. We got to go to the beach which was great because we enjoyed seafood and the view. This may be a doubly nice treat as the BP oil spill looms in the distance and could spoil the beach and the sea life. Hopefully it won't come ashore. Joshua took awhile to warm up to the ocean but enjoyed the sand. Saturday evening we went to a 25th Anniversary party for Matt's cousins, the Edwards. It was great to see them. I realized that the last time I was in Crestview I was pregnant, but it was with Joshua.

Joshua enjoyed showing off for his Grandottie and Jerry Pop. He especially liked chanting "Jerry Pop! Jerry Pop!" He tried to eat his weight in crab claws. It was a great trip.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Time Flies!

Life seems to be going by so fast these days. Joshua is becoming more vocal and learning to express what he's feeling. And Baby #2 is constantly kicking and squirming. I'm not convinced he sleeps yet! Here are a few Joshua stories (get ready to say "Awwwww!"

Whenever I ask Joshua "Where's the baby?" He lifts my shirt to kiss my tummy.

Several weeks ago I realized that while we practice the alphabet, colors, and body parts at home, we've never focused on numbers. Anyway I lined up some toys and said "Look Joshua, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5" as I pointed to them. He gave me a look and then said "6, 7, 8, 9, 10." I was shocked! I guess they practice that in daycare.

Joshua really likes listening to music. Whenever we are in the car and the new Train song "Hey Soul Sister" comes on, he says "Hey...hey." along with the chorus. Also the other day "Sweet Home Alabama" came on the radio and he said "Alabama" every time he heard it. Finally his favorite song to sing to is "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." He changes it up though, sometimes he sings the actual words, sometimes he sings the alphabet, and sometimes he sings a never ending Mommy song where he says "Mommy, Mommy" over and over to the tune. Yummy, donuts!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers I know! We went to Birmingham for the weekend. Friday was actually such a nice (and slow) day that we decided to leave work at lunch and head to Birmingham. It was a pleasant drive and while Joshua was napping, Matt and I took some time to make our inaugural name list for Baby #2. The list is pretty lengthy, but it’s a start. I spent most of Saturday hanging out with my sister Stephanie. We went to lunch together and then got pedicures. I love my hot pink toes! Joshua spent time with Grandma, Grandpa, and Granny (my grandma) and then went to the park with two of his aunts and Grandpa. From the pictures the twins texted me, it looks like he had a great time! That evening mom and grandma cooked a wonderful dinner which we all enjoyed. After church on Sunday we went to Matt’s sister’s house and celebrated Mother’s Day with Matt’s family. Joshua really enjoyed eating strawberries after lunch. Joshua also had fun playing with his cousins. Thanks to Alec and Eli for letting Joshua drive your remote control car off the sidewalk over and over and over… It was a very special day and I received sweet cards from all my boys - Joshua, Baby #2, Hardy & Ridley (our dogs), and Daddy. Thank you!