Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baby's got a new pair of shoes!

These are Joshua's first shoes. Mommy and Daddy picked them out and think they are super cute! They are very soft and so far our little man can't pull them off. He is getting better at pulling up and is not too far from taking his first steps.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Daddy! Matt is a wonderful father and loving husband. Joshua and I enjoyed spending the day with him and reminding him how special he is. Joshua made him a card which had his hand print on it and gave him a striped shirt. Then we went to church where Daddy fed Joshua a bottle and then our little man slept in his arms. We went out to lunch. Daddy finished building a swing set for Joshua, which he loves. Then it was time to cool off. It's been 100+ degrees lately so we bought a kiddie pool which Joshua (and Daddy) enjoyed. Joshua was amused that the dogs kept leaning in to drink the water. He also really enjoyed splashing which was something both Mommy and Daddy joined in on as well. What was Joshua's favorite word to say on Father's Day? Mama. I should add that this is only fair because he was saying "Dada" on Mother's Day. Who knew our little man could be so fair?Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads I know!

A visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit! Joshua had a great time playing and showing off his new skills. He walked behind his Tonka truck all over the house. The visit gave Mommy a chance to go shopping and later both Mommy and Daddy got to go to the movies. We saw Wolverine which was entertaining. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Boo Boo

Joshua had his first big boo boo today. He was at daycare playing on a rocking horse outside and fell off. He looks downright pitiful now and the knot on his head is still changing colors. Poor baby!

Sharing, Standing, and Stomping

Joshua says "Check me out, I'm standing all by myself!"
The Smith Family came for a visit this weekend. Yea! We always have a great time together and this weekend was no exception. Also Joshua started standing on his own! He was playing Friday night and then stood up for a few seconds. He does it so sporadically, all we have managed to catch in photos is Joshua easing back down. Joshua and Titus got to interact and play together. Titus is 20 months old so we got a sneak preview of what life will be like next year. The boys played, shared, loved on the doggies, showed off new tricks, and went to the beach. Here was one of my favorite tricks:

Wade: Titus, what does a pirate say?
Titus: Arrrrrh!I love that like Joshua, Titus will destroy anything stacked, i.e trucks, blocks, etc. Our boys are true boys! Thanks for visiting! We hope to see you again soon!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sick Little Pumpkin

Joshua was puny this week, ultimately winding up with a 103deg temperature. Matt took him to the doctor yesterday and it turns out he has a bad ear infection and an eye infection. He actually had an ear infection about 10 days ago, so they don't know if this is a new one, or the old one that didn't clear up all the way. Either way he got a shot, drops for his eyes, and 10 days of antibiotics. Poor daddy, he said Joshua just wailed with the shot. We did actually see an improvement in how he was feeling by the evening so the medicine is obviously working. Keep getting better baby!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ten months old

Joshua is 10 months old today! He is a sweet baby boy who brings so much joy to his Mommy and Daddy. Here are 10 facts about our Button:
1. Joshua is pulling up on everything! He is a strong little boy.
2. Joshua has become interested in outlets so all are now covered.
3. His favorite food these days is Banana Mixed Berries (though he still loves cheesy poofs).4. Joshua gets warned that he just might turn into a cheesy poof at least twice a week.
5. He enjoys going for "walks" with his Tonka truck.
6. Joshua loves to destroy anything that is stacked.
7. He likes to play "bump the noggin" (The game, invented by his daddy, involves lightly bumping foreheads - of course the more Joshua laughs, the harder he'll bump your head.)8. Joshua has the sweetest smile that is so big, you can tell he's smiling from his profile.
9. That baby has sweet feet.
10. Joshua sleeps with his hiney in the air.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Joshua Walking with Tonka Truck

Here is that video of Joshua walking with his Tonka truck, as promised.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hola Elcano!

Joshua and his parents went on an adventure over the weekend. Pensacola is celebrating it's 450th Anniversary. Events have been planned all year. This week the Spanish ship Juan Sebastian de Elcano came to port. It is an 82 year old tall ship, the third tallest in the world. While we didn't see it with all it's sails down, we did get to go on a tour.
Tours were open from 3-6pm. We got in line around 3:30. Someone told Matt the wait was 2 1/2 hours, but I thought there was no way that was realistic and since the weather was nice (~82 deg with a breeze) we thought we'd wait it out. Joshua was decked out in a floppy hat and wearing sunscreen while Daddy toted him so surely it wouldn't be that bad.... It turns out the wait actually was 2 1/2 hours. And while the ship was impressive there were lots of "stairs" which were very steep and not ideal for flip flops of carrying babies. Seriously, check out this picture of the stairs - all I'll say is this: they are not OSHA approved. Still it was an impressive vessel and super cool that Joshua's first time on a ship is on a piece of history. Joshua was a really good sport. He never fussed or cried. He even drank a bottle while in line which was hard to do with all the people around him which were interesting to look at. He's the perfect baby boy!************************I'm so sleepy!***************************