Thursday, December 31, 2009

Titus and Joshua

Best Friends

While we were in town, we took a trip to Tuscaloosa to visit the Smith Family. Audrey and Wade are doing great and anxiously awaiting Baby Girl Smith who should make an appearance within the next couple weeks. Titus, who turned 2 in October is such a big boy and fast. He was very sweet to share his toys with Joshua. It was cute to see them play together. Joshua had a great time following him both on foot and by truck. They both warmed up to eachother and chatted and hugged each other. I think they will grow up to be good friends just like their parents. Here are some pictures from the fun night. As a side note, I don't know why Joshua was so fascinated with the sunglasses. He has some at home and won't wear them, even on bright summer days. Dog Pile! Merry Christmas from Titus!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas morning and the next day

Joshua had a wonderful Christmas. He was so much fun this year! He opened presents, played with wrapping paper, played with boxes, and managed to find time to play with actual toys! Santa was very good to our sweet little boy. Joshua got to visit with all his relatives on both sides of the family. During the trip home we ended up going to Birmingham, Oneonta, Huntsville, and Tuscaloosa. We took our beagles (Hardy and Ridley) with us, at least to Birmingham. They had a good time exploring Grandma and Grandpa's backyard. Enjoy the Chrsitmas pictures I've posted below.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The Chathams

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Christmas Tree

Joshua is such a helpful boy! Our Christmas tree has a foot pedal to turn the lights on and off. Luckily he has not discovered this pedal. Instead when it is time to turn the tree on we say "One, two, three..." and then we clap three times. Magically the tree comes on. Joshua has such a look of wonder when this happens. Now when we say "Come help us turn the tree on," he runs at it clapping. The other night it was bedtime so I turned the tree off and Joshua was stalling on going to sleep. After unsuccessfully rocking him for a few minutes I set him down and he ran to the tree clapping and crying. So I turned the tree back on, scooped him up and he went to sleep looking at the tree.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Obligatory Santa Photo

We took Joshua to see Santa on Friday night. There was quite a wait, though we were at Chick-Fil-A and got to sit down until our number was called. We carried Joshua around and let him look at Santa and talked about Santa and it was all good... until we put him in Santa's lap. Then it was absolute terror! Joshua screamed his head off so Matt picked our button up and we gave Santa puffed stars (Joshua's favorite) to give to Joshua, but the closer Matt got to Santa, the tighter the death grip. Oh well. It's still a cute picture.

On another note, our photographer used Joshua's Santa photo from last year in his advertisement for this year's pictures. Joshua is a star!