Wednesday, March 19, 2008

St. Patrick's Day in Savannah

I just returned from a trip to Savannah to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I had a great time with my college/colorguard friends, Natalie and Chrissy. We wore our green and took walking tours of the city, shopped, ate at wonderful restaurants, survived a late night city blackout/fire drill/ bagpipes, and got to talk and hang out together for the first time in a while. A fun part of the trip was making reservations. I'm used to having to spell C-H-A-T-H-A-M wherever I go, but in Savannah (located in Chatham County, GA) all I had to say was "I'd like reservations for Chatham - like your county." Overall it was a great "Girls Trip." Thanks to Chrissy and Nat for the "Sweet pea" baby shirt. I know Baby Chatham will love it!

My sweet Matt stayed home while I was out of town and watched the dogs which turned two on St. Patrick's Day. We are excited to have reached the halfway mark in the pregnancy. I have recently started wearing maternity clothes. And thanks to my best friend Audrey, who has generously shared a box of her maternity clothes, I have something to wear. Hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

BlessedMom said...

Yeah, finally a new post! I don't understand why you're not updating's not like you work full time and are pregnant!!

Glad you had a fun St. Patty's Day!