Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 7 Update

Joshua's doing great. His latest trick is chewing/slobbering on his hands. He prefers the back of his fist. Sometimes that is so tasty that he slobbers about halfway up his forearm. He's always been pretty good about sleeping at night and lately he's sleeping for longer stretches which makes mommy happy! Side note: It's funny, but Matt can sleep through the baby fussing/crying, but not the dogs barking/whining and I'm the exact opposite. Also Joshua smiles more -- just not for a camera. It's a big happy smile that lights up his face. He also is "talking" more. I tried to videotape it, but as soon as he saw the camera he got quiet. I still may try to post the silent film for those that haven't seen him in awhile, but it may be tomorrow before I get it uploaded and posted.

Also the verdict is in: It looks like Joshua will have big brown eyes like his mommy! Sometimes it's hard to tell, but in natural light they look brown. He had a 50/50 chance at blue or brown and we would have been happy with either, plus any shade would compliment his old man eyebrows.

1 comment:

ktheall said...

Joshua seems like a happy go lucky baby. Isn't mommyhood amazing!