Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chatham Smith Christmas

It would not be the holidays without getting together with our good friends the Smiths.  Titus and Alice exchanged gifts with Joshua and Noah.  Joshua wasn't feeling well and the Smiths were on a tight schedule so it was a short visit but still a good one.  Audrey noted that we have doubled in children since last year.  Hopefully that won't happen by next Christmas! Happy New Year!
A little Just Dance 2 fun with the twins.
OK, here is one last picture from Christmas. Joshua absolutely loved the Buzz Lightyear that Grandma and Grandpa gave him. Here he is just after we finished opening all the presents and were getting dressed to go to Maw-Maw's house. Look at how lovingly he holds his new friend.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas, Part 3

Christmas morning 2010
This is the final installment of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Santa came to visit at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Christmas started out interesting because in keeping with Joshua's tradition about major holidays, he was sick. If you'll recall, the day before we left, he got pinkeye, then during the middle of the night he spiked a fever and had ear drainage from an ear infection. This turned into some excitement which will be shared in another post. Anyway Noah woke up early (as well as during the night) on Christmas while a puny Joshua slept in. This meant that Noah slept through most of the opening of presents, but Joshua being the good big brother that he is, opened most of Noah's presents for him.  We all had a great time.  And it snowed the whole time we were opening presents.  Joshua took turns sitting in everyone's lap and giving out kisses.  Joshua's favorite presents were a Buzz Lightyear that Grandma and Grandpa gave him and a Woody doll that Maw-Maw gave him.  Noah liked everything, especially the crinkly tissue paper that came with gifts.
Noah totally unaware of what's going on
Helmet! Helmet!
It Buzz Lightyear!
I'm awake!
The boys with Grandpa
You can barely see Noah all bundled up in these pictures, but I do like that he looks like he's saying "Are you kidding me?  Get me inside where it's warm!"  Also I should note that we only posed with the Snowman for the pictures.  I didn't let Joshua (nor was he interested) play in the snow given the fever and ear infection.  (What a mean mommy.  When did I get to be so old?) Also We questioned our judgment as we drove to Maw-Maw's house in Oneonta because of the slick roads, but thankfully all was well. We ate a yummy Christmas lunch and visited with extended family.  Overall this was a perfect Christmas.  We feel blessed to be surrounded by such loving family.  Merry Christmas!
White Christmas
I just keep adding to this post. So many cute things happened over Christmas. I have to show the picture of Noah with Grandottie and the stocking she made for him.
Lastly, I love the picture of the boys with Granddaddy, mostly because it captured the suspended M&Ms. A split second later they were everywhere! Fun memories!

Merry Christmas, Part 2

We celebrated Christmas with the Chatham-Nelson-Tilton Clan at Uncle Jesse and Aunt Dana's house on Christmas Eve.  All the cousins were so excited and couldn't wait to open presents.  Being the grown-ups that we are we made the kiddos wait and eat lunch before the festivities could begin. We had a lot of fun and wrapping paper was everywhere!  We were also excited to see the stocking that Grandottie made for Noah.  Like the rest of our family's stockings it was decorated with a non-naked bear.  ;)  It was also great to visit with everyone and to have all the cousins together.
"Help Mommy.  This is wrapped pretty good."
Here are our group poses.  Special thanks to Uncle Jason for blocking the light from the blinds so we wern't striped (like he is)!
The "other" Chathams, aka the Chatham 5
 The Chatham Family
The Tilton Family
 Grandottie and JerryPop with the grandkids
Afterwards we went to church with mommy's family and then to a Christmas party at the Garrett's.  Joshua had a great time playing with and following "the girls."  One of the girls brought her fiddle and played Christmas songs.  Joshua clapped when she played and kept saying "my turn" and reaching for the instrument.  He also sang Christmas carols with the "big kids" and was really happy to be included. Later we went home and dressed in our Christmas pajamas to get ready for Santa's visit.

Merry Christmas, Part 1

We had a wonderful Christmas this year!!  It snowed all day on Christmas and also the day after giving us our first White Christmas.  It was magical for all!  Mommy and the boys drove up on Tuesday and visited with lots of family and friends.  Daddy and the fuzzy brothers came up a few days later.  Granddaddy was kind enough to keep our doggies at his house while the rest of the Chathams were at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Ridley has been a sick doggie and we hope he gets better.  Here are a few pictures from a party at Aunts Celeste and Elaine's house.

Joshua is Joshua practicing for Christmas morning.
Here is Noah trying to open a present.  Such focus!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Noah's First Illness

It has been an interesting few days. Noah had his first illness.  Poor baby! He's had a runny nose for a couple weeks and started coughing so we took him to the dr on Thursday and got some medicine.  Of course he never actually coughed for the dr, but smiled and looked cute.  Also I found out he now weighs 16lbs 8 oz.  Joshua was a very good boy sitting in the guest chair and reading books.  He was so good that he was given a sticker.

Then around 5pm on Friday afternoon, Joshua got pinkeye. (I noted the time because that is when the doctor's office closes.)  Anyway he suffered through the weekend with the nasty, goopy eyes so I called the dr's office to get an appointment first thing Monday morning and instead they called in some drops. Yea!  I really need to get the boys to start synchronizing their illnesses so we can make better use of our time.  ;)
Mommy and her boys
Now for the cute stuff...
* We were in the car listening to Christmas music and "What Child is This" came on the radio.  Joshua misunderstood the words and started singing "What Time is it?"  Matt and I had a good laugh over that.
* I recently got my hair cut and styled differently.  When I came home Joshua told me "Mommy, you pretty like Tinkerbell."  It just melted my heart.  Also special props go to daddy for the minor coaching involved in getting him to compliment his mommy.
* Joshua was not feeling well over the weekend, but was still getting into the Christmas spirit when we went up to his daddy and said "Ho! Ho! Hold me!"
* Joshua LOVES singing and has the following songs in his play list "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," "Jingle Bells," "Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer" as well as some songs on our Veggie Tales Christmas cd.   
* Both boys had classroom parties at their play school and I have photographic evidence that both were smiley for Santa.  Joshua appears to have been bribed with a ball, but he was still happy to be there.
We are hitting the road tomorrow to spend the holidays with family in Birmingham and Huntsville.  Merry Christmas from the Chathams!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa, Take 2

Every year our photographer has a Santa shoot at a couple local businesses.  The set and Santa are really nice so it is a favorite of mine to visit.  I thought that since the Santa picture at work went over pretty well, that we could try for our "nice Santa" pictures. We got up Saturday morning to bathe the boys and dress them in their dressy Christmas clothes.  We have really been talking up the jolly fat man (Joshua is sooo cute! If you ask him what Santa says, he'll respond "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!") and I thought Joshua would be excited, until we got there.  He was super clingy and not happy.  Joshua cried and squirmed to get away.  Noah was okay with everything until his head bobbed the third time (Santa must have thought he was older or had better head control).  Then he too was "done" and started screaming.  We took the picture and were left with two crying boys, one of which appears to be wearing hot pants due to his escape efforts.  Oh well, maybe next year...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Santa, Potty Training, and more

I am excited that Christmas is just around the corner.  Plant Crist had a Christmas Party recently.  We were excited that both Joshua and Noah were okay with Santa.  I say this because they sat in his lap, though Joshua was looking a little anxious.    However my other theory is that perhaps Santa was just the lesser of two "evils."  You see, Ronald McDonald was there in full gear which even creeped me out a little.  He approached us while we were in the Santa line and asked to hold Noah.  Joshua clung to daddy and ultimately gave Ronald McD a high five.  I think he may have been relieved that the clown left which made Santa a good guy.

Joshua enjoys turning the Christmas tree on in the morning, and when we come home from school, and then turning it off at night.  He also enjoys counting the ornaments and touching them.  He still takes them off the tree and puts them back on.  He keeps biting the plastic gingerbread man like it will turn into a cookie.  We tell him not to eat the ornaments and he says "Ohhh," like it's the first time he's ever heard that.  
Quality time with Daddy
Here's a funny Joshua story. I was told that Joshua has had success with potty training at day care the past few days so when I picked him up I said "Mommy is so proud of you!  Did you have a good potty day?" He answered "Yeah, I not fall in!" I guess that's a bigger deal than actually using the potty.

Noah is as cute as ever, though he is wearing his mommy out with his lack of sleeping at night.  I have been dragging at work.  Hopefully it will get better. All the while Noah remains a dedicated right-handed thumb sucker.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!  We went to Birmingham for the holidays.  The boys rode up with mommy and their fuzzy brothers (Hardy and Ridley) rode with daddy.  We stayed at Granddaddy’s house and had Thanksgiving lunch at Granny’s house (with mommy’s family) in Oneonta and Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Dana’s house (with daddy’s family) in Helena.  Everything was wonderful! We enjoyed getting to visit with family.  Noah got to meet extended family at these gatherings.  In keeping with his holiday tradition, Joshua got sick Thanksgiving morning, but felt better by the afternoon.  And being the generous boy that he is, he shared with his mommy who got sick the next day and missed the second half of the Iron Bowl.  Of course, given the outcome, I’d say I got to watch the best part.  The boys also got to see their cousins, the Green family, who were staying at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.   While I missed out on the Black Friday shopping, I did get to do some shopping on Saturday with one of my sisters, which was fun.  Also Grandma cooked a yummy lunch on Saturday which we enjoyed.  Then we stayed at Aunts Celeste and Elaine’s house for our last night in town.  I enjoyed spending time with everyone… and all the help with the diapers!
Noah is all smiles in his picture but he had a raised rash show up all over his body (even on his eyelids) over the weekend. I had been lotioning him with Aveeno baby crème which we have always used on Joshua’s skin. It didn’t seem to help, in felt Noah acted like it stung him. I took him to the doctor’s office and they said it was eczema. Joshua also has eczema, but his is really, really mild compared to this- in fact, it doesn’t even look similar. I have started lotioning him with Aquaphor ointment and otc cortisone crème so hopefully he’ll be feeling better soon. There is nothing worse than a pitiful baby.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Noah is 3 months old

Tummy time wore me out!
Happy 3 month Birthday!  With Thanksgiving tomorrow, this will be a short post.  You are an amazing little boy that we all feel privileged to watch grow.  You have discovered your hands and enjoy looking at them and playing with them.  You are a dedicated, right handed thumb sucker. You do not like drinking from bottles.  You have an amazing smile and the sweetest giggle.  It melts your mommy's and daddy's heart.  You are wearing size 3-6 month and 6 months clothes and size 2 diapers.  You still do not sleep through the night.  I have a theory that since you fuss and do not finish your bottles during the daytime, you make up for it nursing a couple times at night.  But you are happy, healthy, and loved and that is what matters most.  Joshua is a good big brother.  He enjoys giving you slobbery kisses on the head.  Sometimes I have to pat dry the area he kissed.  Aren't brothers the best?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Yesterday was Mommy's 32nd Bday. We had a great day. Daddy made waffles and bacon for breakfast, then we went shopping, and later that evening, went to Outback for dinner.  Everyone had a good time, especially Joshua because as he says, "I like steak!"  All my boys, the dogs included, got me sweet birthday cards.  Thanks for a fun day!
I stuck.  Help me, pleasssssse!
This afternoon Matt set up the tree and we started decorating ot while watching "Elf." Joshua seemed to really like Buddy the Elf as well as Santa Claus. If you ask him, Joshua will tell you Santa says "Ho! Ho! Ho!" It's very cute! I realized we have a lot of breakable ornaments.  As a result the top of the tree is heavily loaded with breakable ornaments.  Joshua enjoyed hanging his ornaments, then counting them, then pulling them off the tree and throwing them across the room, and repeating the process.
Shhh! Sweet Dreams.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Noah's 1st Day of School

Noah's First Day of School
Noah started school today at Miss Kathy's. Overall both he and mommy (and Joshua) had a good day. Another baby started in the infant room as well and his mommy left in tears just as we got there which was a little discouraging but it went well. I only had a few tears as we pulled out of the driveway.  I get to take a baby break at lunch when I go to the nursery and feed Noah.  One benefit that Noah had being the second born was I knew to dress him in pants.  On Joshua's first day of daycare I dressed him in a cute onesie and no pants.  The nursery was cold and they told me to bring pants in the future.  Matt got a good laugh out of Joshua fullfilling the nightmare of not wearing pants to the first day of school at just 3months old.
When I went to pick up my boys Joshua said "I miss you Mommy."  Then when I asked him if he had a good day he said "Yeah, I a good boy!"  He is my good boy.  He was happy holding my hand and walking to his classroom in the morning and out to the car in the afternoon while I carried Noah.  (He often walks up to us with outstretched arms and says "Hold you!" when he wants us to pick him up.)

Noah is still sleeping in our room which is nice because he still frequently wakes up hungry during the night.  He has found his hands, specifically his fingers and thumbs and will suck on them.  He seems to prefer his right hand over his left.  It's awfully cute, though with the lack of arm control, he'll smack himself in the face a few times before he finds his mouth.
Here's a cute Joshua story.  Grandottie and Jerry Pop stayed at our house for Noah's baptism and Joshua slept in their room one evening.  While they were trying to get him to go to sleep one night, it was quiet and Joshua started laughing out loud.  Jerry Pop quietly asked him "What's so funny?" Joshua giggled and said "Mommy."  Awww, my sweet little boy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Noah's Baptism

We had a wonderful weekend.  Noah was baptized on Sunday while surrounded by family and friends.  It was a special, beautiful day that we were happy to share with everyone.  Noah was really well behaved and didn't mind Pastor Alan holding him.  Joshua was also well behaved and even made his prayer hands when he noticed everyone praying during the baptism.  Noah was given a bag containing a religious book and a baptism certificate from the children's ministry.  It was especially cute that this young children's group is called "The Ark" and has a picture of Noah's ark and a rainbow.  Both boys enjoyed being passed around to grandparents, aunts, and cousins during the service.
The baptismal gown that Noah wore has been in Matt's family for 69 years.  It is a beautiful garment that big brother Joshua, Daddy, Granddottie and more have worn.  Special thanks to Grandottie for bringing the gown to Florida and for getting it ready as I would not go near it with an iron for fear of burning it.  We enjoyed visiting with everyone and having lunch together.  I was especially proud of the cake I frosted as I don't have much experience doing that.  It didn't look professional, but it looked like it was made with love and tasted great!  Thanks to everyone for making the trip.  God Bless!
All the gown wearers (minus the 3 in the background)
Noah with Mommy's family
Noah and Granddaddy
Kisses from Mommy and Daddy