Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa, Take 2

Every year our photographer has a Santa shoot at a couple local businesses.  The set and Santa are really nice so it is a favorite of mine to visit.  I thought that since the Santa picture at work went over pretty well, that we could try for our "nice Santa" pictures. We got up Saturday morning to bathe the boys and dress them in their dressy Christmas clothes.  We have really been talking up the jolly fat man (Joshua is sooo cute! If you ask him what Santa says, he'll respond "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!") and I thought Joshua would be excited, until we got there.  He was super clingy and not happy.  Joshua cried and squirmed to get away.  Noah was okay with everything until his head bobbed the third time (Santa must have thought he was older or had better head control).  Then he too was "done" and started screaming.  We took the picture and were left with two crying boys, one of which appears to be wearing hot pants due to his escape efforts.  Oh well, maybe next year...

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